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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Prepare or perish


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Prepare or perish

America is a land of plenty, and Americans are used to having plenty — plenty of food, plenty of water, plenty of everything. Until recently, most Americans couldn't imagine seeing food shortages at their local grocery stores, but that’s exactly what’s happening... just look at the current nationwide baby formula shortage.

I hazard to guess that there is a 90 percent chance you could not live for more than a few days, and certainly not more than a couple of weeks, if something even worse happened to the food supply chain than has already occurred. If you are one of the 10 percent who has, kudos! You are ahead of the game, but read on because preparedness is something that we must do far in advance of need. Think now... if we needed more of any particular thing than we thought, it would already be too late.

Inevitably, when I write about preparedness one or two (at least) wags write to me to chime in to ridicule and fulminate against me for being ridiculous and wasteful. "People won't be without food," they say. "We have FEMA and Red Cross for that." They are fools.

What is life like when the systems we depend upon go down and we haven't taken personal responsibility for our own well-being. It's life (and often death) for people conditioned to depend upon the government for their sustenance and care.

The Leftists in our country constantly clamor for more government and turn to the government for everything they perceive as going wrong in their lives, including natural occurrences like storms and viruses, because they have fallen for the propaganda directed at them. That way lies disaster of Venezuelan proportions, dear reader. It is up to us to secure our own futures as if the government is not around, because it won't be when we need it most, as we saw during the height of the virus paranoia and looting. History is our guide in this. The police and government men will not be there for you. As hard as it is to remind ourselves, they are people too and are just as panicky, scared and ill-prepared.

In fact, anyone who depends upon the government for sustenance is a slave. And in a widespread emergency, even if government services still exist in some fashion, the government is at best slow and inefficient. The list of responses to hurricanes, fires, looting, flooding and power outages is long and undistinguished.

We have often urged you to store food. We even set up a website so you can purchase it at a discount. Everyone should have at the barest minimum of three days of food and water on hand. But even better is at least three weeks of food and water and other essentials at your disposal at all times. More is better.

You should have at least one month of cash on hand, as well. When the power is out, plastic does not work. Nor do ATMs. I also recommend gold and silver and extra items for barter.

If you are looking to acquire physical gold and silver, your best bet, I believe, is to find a local dealer who is well established, has been in the community a long time and has a good reputation with both the Better Business Bureau and his customers. For private purchases of gold and silver coins, we recommend getting our exclusive Directory of Dealers Specializing in Gold and Silver Coins and Bullion for a complete list. Please remember, prices change rapidly — so if price checking, please do so at the same time if possible and don't delay with your purchase to get the quoted price.

You should also have a gun or guns and plenty of ammunition and adequate training on how to use them so you can protect your family and what is yours.

You should eat from your stored food by rotating out the older dated food and moving the newer food to the rear. This prevents loss from spoilage. Vacuum-sealed and freeze-dried food has a long shelf life and can be preserved for many years. Food storage is not a waste of money, as some claim. It is insurance. You will have actually profited by buying stored food when prices are lower than they will be in the future.

You must know that even an honest man will steal food if his family is starving. How anyone can see the looting, suffering and chaos in a place like St. Martin after Hurricane Irma swept through the Caribbean in 2017 and not take it as a warning sign to begin protecting himself and his family is beyond my understanding. If the recent looting hasn’t reminded you, then then you have well and truly been inured by the media.

If you have not begun preparing and want to, you should start small and work consistently, writes preparedness expert Larry Barkdull in his book, Emergency Essentials' Tips for Preparedness.

"Too many people make the mistake in thinking emergencies only happen to 'other folks,'" he writes. "Beyond the subject of disaster, being prepared should be a part of your normal provident living. Don't become overwhelmed. Start with small goals and work consistently."
Barkdull gives the following ideas to help you get started on your preparedness plan:

  • Establish a modest preparedness budget. Make it a priority and work at it the best you can. Start with a few items, such as a 72-hour kit, emergency candles, a sleeping bag and a first aid kit or an emergency bag. Then budget enough money monthly to keep adding to your stores of emergency supplies.
  • Get your information from reliable sources. Most sensible programs will coincide with other reputable sources such as books, community preparation and church or government programs. Don't let anyone scare you into thinking that has to be done all at once or that you must incur heavy debt to achieve your goals.
  • That which would be required to sustain life for three days can be easily multiplied for planning long-term storage needs.
  • Be consistent. Within a short time, you will have the necessary supplies and equipment to take care of yourself, family members and others.
  • Think investment, not expense. Think practically when it comes to assembling a food storage program. Buy the basics and learn to use them. Buy foods that you can rotate and eat regularly instead of storing foods that are unknowns to you that you have never eaten. Buy emergency materials that can be used for other activities such as Scouting events, camping adventures and family road trips. Take care of what you purchase and learn not to waste. The point is, do something and do not procrastinate.

Don't wait until crisis hits. Then it's too late.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

P.S. — I have compiled some basic preparedness information in my book, How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization, and we're making it available to you for free. It contains practical, actionable survival advice for all manner of disaster scenarios and can help get you started on your road to survival in these uncertain times. Go 
here to get a copy.




Idiot Leftist Dem blames gun lobby-these losers always fail to see through their ash colored lens…a lobby had nothing to do with this tragedy.  Human jerk offs are the blame.  Do we outlaw pickup trucks because of the BLM ass that plowed into & killed those attending a parade earlier?

Biden: ‘When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?’


President Biden on Tuesday implored Congress to “stand up to the gun lobby” and pass firearm restrictions after a gunman shot and killed at least 18 young children at a Texas elementary school.  



15 Things You Should Start Hoarding

Nearly everyone has a drawer, closet, or room filled with...well, stuff. The word ‘hoarding’ generally evokes terrifying images of a house overflowing with useless junk - newspapers from the past thirty years, every can or bottle the hoarder has ever drunk from, and a seemingly endless supply of containers, wires, screws, and other things lying all over the place.

But it’s not always a bad thing: Take a guess at how many of those things we just listed can be useful. It’s time to sort out the junk drawer. Here’s what you should be hoarding and why...

1. Packing Crates - Online orders often come in large wooden packing crates, and these are surprisingly sturdy. If not, they can be sourced from local stores that receive their stock on wooden pallets or in crates...

15 Things You Should Start Hoarding





Compliments of: The PoorManSurvival team!AgMpmQI6plfXiBqUHg-8SkA59L8f?e=YJZavA


Natural disasters don't wait for a convenient time

And you shouldn't wait to prepare either. In some cases there is little to no warning.

Prepare now to lessen the impact of disasters and emergencies


Remember:  You can’t buy life insurance after you’re dead!

Better –Safe- Than- Sorry Super Survival Kit

Your Emergency Survival Kit Includes:

·        4Patriot Solar phone charger

·        72-hour emergency food pack [25 year shelf life+3 Bonus Meals]

·        Solar/Hand crank 4Patriot emergency radio

·        4Patriot Greens sample pack [Power supplement]

·        3 Luna Nutrition bars [assorted]]

·        Cleaning Wipe Pack+Personal Hygiene kit

·        Emergency Rescue Blanket

·        2-PackHand Warmers

·        Steel River Emergency Tent

·        Emergency Poncho

·        Deck of Playing Cards

·        Mini [42 piece] First Aid kit

·         American Natural Superfood sample

·         MACE Triple-action Police Model pepper spray/UV Dye

·         Face mask

And more-Full Details at:




Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom!


Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.

You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead

Not Prepared? 

That's Bad News...



You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…

Support our efforts by shopping my storefront…





A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production




Red said...

So many blind citizens; all ignoring the warning signs & instead figuring they'll rely on gov handouts...

Mindy said...

It's a challenge as all we see are attacks that undermine our prosperity, our rights, our culture-all due to socialists in our midst.

Paula said...

As long as sick, non-thinking, treasonous dupes ruin this nation, we all need to prepare for its destruction.

Wilson said...

5 STAR***** my friend!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




Bill said...

When it come to the SHTF, a lot of idiots will perish-that culling could be a good thing.