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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Greatest truth never told, Let's make sausage, Useful & Free downloads

Bruce’s Poor Man Survival Bulletin

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

For Independent Minded People!

ISSN 2161-5543


"To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state. It is to reserve final judgment about whether the state is encroaching on freedom and liberty, to stand ready to defend that freedom with more than mere words, and to stand outside the state’s totalitarian reach."
-- Jeffrey R. Snyder
American attorney, author
Source: A Nation of Cowards


In This Issue:

1.       Biometrics coming soon to Amerika

2.      Let’s make sausage, More free Sideline Income downloads

3.      The Greatest Truth Never Told, Camping in the woods-download

4.      Best ways to get rid of weeds, Stretching food dollars

5.      FBI hints at even more Big Brother tactics to come in US

Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform

Liberals love to hide things in big bills. That way we have to pass it to see what is in it. They really do take us for idiots.

Check it out:

The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf) is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

Employers would be obliged to look up every new hire in the database to verify that they match their photo.

This piece of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act is aimed at curbing employment of undocumented immigrants. But privacy advocates fear the inevitable mission creep, ending with the proof of self being required at polling places, to rent a house, buy a gun, open a bank account, acquire credit, board a plane or even attend a sporting event or log on the internet. Think of it as a government version of Foursquare, with Big Brother cataloging every check-in.


Economical meals to stretch your food dollar
read more here

PM’s Roundup of Useful Resources…

Let's Make Sausage

Have you ever wanted to make your own sausage, but you weren’t sure what you needed or how to get started? The author lays out what you need to know under the bolded heading Here’s What I’m Going to Show You, and provides links to each step. If you visit them in the order laid out on the main page, you’ll know exactly what tools you need, what special supplies might be used, and then step by step with pictures the actual process of making sausages.

If you already know how to make sausage, don’t run away just yet, there are plenty of cool things for you to do here too! Check out the left side menu for all the other things that can be found on the site like Smoking (if you want smoked sausage), the different varieties of sausage you can make, sausage recipes, and even a section devoted to jerky!



Camp Life in the Woods & The Tricks of Trapping & Trap Making

Wonderful old book from 1881 by William Hamilton Gibson – FREE PDF download at:


The Greatest Truth Never Told is a video series that has been 7 years in research and development. It is centered around the truth that humanity has been enslaved over and over again throughout history. The Greatest Truth Never Told lays out the case for…


Some attack governments, large corporations… and steal personal identities. Others use their skills for political activism. They are hackers. And in a rare sit down interview with a member of the infamous collective “Anonymous”, 16×9 gets a unique, inside look into a “Hackers World”. Anonymous is a



Free & Useful How-to Reports to Encourage Sideline Income Resources

Increasing monthly expense, debt payment challenges, economic recession – These are not phrases that people merely consider to be familiar, in fact these are the issues that many people can directly relate to. As a result, people find themselves continuously striving to maintain or improve their existing standard of living. The need to earn a few extra bucks is becoming increasingly popular. They inevitably begin to explore ways to make money quickly.

Quick & Safe Ways to Make Extra Money Online

67 Real Companies That Hire

The Company Promo Report

How to Survive a Job Loss

Urban Survivor-45 Ways to Make a Living - Without a Job

Escape the Rat Race

How to Prosper – 3-Volume Set


The best way to remove unwanted grass and weeds
read more here


The Nanny State-We love our government


The White House is reviewing an FBI plan to overhaul surveillance laws in order to make it easier for law enforcement officials to wiretap citizens using the Internet to communicate rather than phone services.


Law enforcement agencies in cities across the United States are campaigning to increase surveillance on city streets, impressed with the effectiveness of video surveillance in helping the Boston Police identify the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. This campaign to expand law enforcement’s surveillance power is likely to run into stiff opposition, as Americans have proven suspicious of allowing the government powers which would infringe on privacy. Expanding surveillance networks also costs money, and these are tight budgetary times.



The Parting Thought:  Former FBI hints at more Big Brother


ALL Phone Calls in US Recorded and Accessible to the Gov’t


A former FBI counterterrorism agent has hinted at a vast and intrusive surveillance network used by the U.S. government to monitor its own citizens.

Tim Clemente admitted as much when he appeared on CNN Wednesday night.

Discussing the Boston Marathon attack and past telephone conversations of Katherine Russell and her now deceased husband, suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Clemente said that those conversations would be available to investigators.


BURNETT: ‘So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.’

CLEMENTE: ‘No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.’

Cisco Systems estimates by 2016, global Internet Protocol traffic will be over 110 exabytes per month. Added to this, global mobile data traffic will be over 11 exabytes of traffic per month.

All these data come from devices and sensors. Your phone, GPS, weather stations, CCTV, things you post online, new websites, etc. Data come from everywhere.

The collective term for all these data is very technical... it's called "Big Data."

But the Government Might Kick Down My Door!

I recently asked a group of friends the question, "Are you worried that you give away too much information?" The overwhelming answer was yes.

Our basic human nature means we want to keep personal information to ourselves. It's rooted in a feeling of mistrust. Mistrust of governments and major corporations. And I can understand that.

However, there does seem to be an Orwellian belief that as we activate the GPS function on our smartphone, Big Brother will know exactly which cheek we just scratched.

There are also theories about the humble online search. Look up words such as "terrorism" or "al-Qaida" and the NSA, CIA, and FBI will kick in your front door. Next thing you know, you'll be strung upside down at an "undisclosed location."

Let's think about this. What if it were harder for governments and organizations to know about us if we gave them more data? What if there were so much Big Data that they couldn't tell the difference between a man and a mouse?

I know it sounds a bit daft, but there's method to my madness. What if we could overload the systems of organizations by simply creating too much data for them?

This serves a double purpose. Blast a system with too much data and it overloads. It becomes a thick fog of Big Data. In short, it doesn't have the technology to make sense of it all.

It could mean we have the information available to allow us to interact with our digital environments more efficiently, yet also hide from those that shouldn't be able to see what we're up to.

Alvin Toffler, a renowned writer and futurist, before the Internet even existed coined the term "Big Data" in his book Future Shock. He described it simply as "information overload."

In addition, it's private industry, not governments, that have the technology and software to process Big Data and make sense of it. These companies are your typical Silicon Valley startups that have built their businesses around Big Data.

To make sense and draw out legitimate, meaningful information from enormous data sets can make a company. When governments don't have the capabilities to make sense of their data, they turn to those who do.

This Company Does What No Others Have Done Before

One example of this is a company called Palantir Technologies. They are a software provider. And their software helps organizations like the CIA and FBI interpret Big Data.

Palantir does more than just help government agencies. They also work with financial, scientific, and humanitarian organizations to help them make better decisions, helping find answers that are difficult to see in the fog of data.

Palantir is a known term for fans of J.R.R Tolkien. To explain, Palantir are the "seeing stones" from The Lord of the Rings. And that's what Palantir believe their technology is. It's the "seeing stones" of Big Data.

A big part of the work Palantir does is rooted in their mission: to make sense of Big Data whilst maintaining civil liberties. As Palantir describes it:


"A core component of (our) mission is protecting our fundamental rights to privacy and civil liberties. Since its inception, Palantir has invested its intellectual and financial capital in engineering technology that can be used to solve the world's hardest problems while simultaneously protecting individual liberty."

In this sense, what does protecting civil liberties mean? That's the trick part of Palantir's technology. They can tag and screen data from the source. This means they can enable or hide data based on different authority levels.

A good example would be a medical researcher with a huge database of DNA information. They would overlay Palantir's software on the database to find connections, links, and patterns.

If the police wanted to use the database to link crimes to particular DNA matches, they could... but they could not use that information against a linked person.

The data get a tag to say they've been obtained by the medical institution, not the police. So the linked person's identity remains undisclosed.

Palantir software is world-leading. It carefully balances the smarter use of data and the protection of privacy and civil liberties. That's important, as we must trust that our data are used for purposes of good, not evil.

Another example is the 2012 London Olympics. London City police used an app and location services to create "heat maps" of crowds around London. This helped monitor gatherings and control traffic flow.

They did this by sending out alerts and updates to app users. It created smoother flow of foot traffic, and avoided crushes at events and overcrowding at tube stations.

Sadly, the recent the bombing in Boston provides us with another example. It's likely this will be the largest investigation ever using "crowd-sourced" data. The collection of images and data from the Internet is on a scale never seen before.

Google launched Person Finder again this week for the Boston crisis. And you can safely say Palantir's software is running at full steam.

“Until the next revolution”, the Poor Man


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Join others striving for Financial Independence in the Poor Man Survival community on how to take back control of your money. Updated for 2013 and now includes a Will Kit & Simply Money, a software CD that helps make sense of your finances.


Get the No BS – Ready for Anything Survival Files Download-Now includes…

Home Prepping Database Program

This software will assist you and your family in what and how many supplies you will need when you will need to lockdown in your home until things settle down


You can’t buy life insurance after you’re dead…get our home defense CD and Basic pistol training DVD now…one of our most popular programs.


The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) offers cutting edge, experiential training in entrepreneurship and small business management to post-9/11 veterans with disabilities resulting from their service to our country. The EBV is designed to open the door to business ownership for our veterans by 1) developing your skills in the many steps and activities associated with launching and growing a small business, and by 2) helping you leverage programs and services for veterans and people with disabilities in a way that furthers your entrepreneurial dreams.

The Poor Man has gotten involved with setting up this program through Mott College in MI and in securing donations and business sponsors.



A Shallow Planet Production

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