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Friday, December 20, 2013

Time for Real Americans to Tell Government to Mind its Own Business-Not Ours

"There is one, and only one, thing in modern society
more hideous than crime -- namely, repressive justice."

-- Simone Weil





It’s Been a Bad Decade for Freedom & Privacy in the US-You have no rights in this age of government repression.


  “Government creep” is something we can all feel, and if we’re being honest, it’s only getting worse with time… Because of prying government eyes, your freedom and privacy are at risk.


Six months ago last week, The Guardian and The Washington Post published the first stories based on leaks from Edward Snowden. Since then, in what has become a steady drumbeat of revelations about the U.S. National Security Agency and other nations' spy agencies, we've learned how utterly hostile our governments have become to our most fundamental rights in the post-Sept. 11 world…


     Back in 1999 when we first started our efforts at long term food storage and prepping we owned a 38-acre homestead and a 2-bedroom guest house, barns, etc.  It was a lot of work but fun and we sure enjoyed the produce we grew.  When we started this project we didn’t even think about Y2K until it became a newsworthy item.  We maintained a shooting range (with professional training available) and held a monthly potluck dinner for all our supporters and friends.


Eventually, the world became consumed with Y2K and word spread about our “compound” and Fox news did a report on our activities…soon we were swamped with inquiries and both my wife and I were a little taken aback by all of the publicity.  After the newscast, we had strangers show up at our door asking our advice.  At that point we learned it was better to keep a low profile.

 I even wrote a manual on the subject which promptly sold out…now, many of the techniques I advised won’t work as the government has become even more insidious…


Thanks to government pinheads who don’t believe in freedom, it’s been a bad decade for privacy.


The government is actively trying to increase the odds of identity theft with its non-stop demand for use of the Social Security number, especially since passage of the Patriot Act (in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974) –>Carol J-ID Theft Activist – AARP


Since our ‘lame stream’ press is nowhere to be found (Oh yeah, they’ve become government lackeys) exposes from newspapers and television have become extinct so in order to shame powerful people and entities, we now rely on groups such as Anonymous for its brand of internet vigilantism.


Anonymous illustrates how a group of justice-seeking hackers can defy the clowns in the NSA.  They’ve become the closest thing citizens have to a superhero as we sure can’t trust the government with that role.  Indeed, many argue our government has become the enemy of the people.


This past Month’s 60 Minutes interview with the heads of the NSA failed to convince me of their integrity about spying on its own citizens…Call me jaded, but I simply do not trust much of what comes out of Washington (the district of corruption):


NSA director admits agency trawls Facebook and Twitter … but insists they are NOT building personal files on Americans…

When Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA, he single-handedly reignited a global debate about government surveillance and our most fundamental rights as individuals.

And on Monday, a federal judge vindicated Snowden’s actions by declaring unconstitutional the NSA’s spying program, labeling it “Orwellian”—adding that James Madison would be “aghast.”

This could be the key tipping point for the American public to fully realize the service Snowden provided to all of us by exposing the NSA’s illegal spying program…

And now the White House thinks that six months is the right amount of time before they sweep everything under the rug.

When the country realized that practically everything done on the Internet was recorded and stored on government databases, the White House came forward and tried to make amends. The president said he was shocked things were this bad. He even saw a silver lining in the whole debacle.

He actually "welcomes debate" when it comes to striking the right balance between your privacy and national security.

In fact, the White House set up a review panel to go over the NSA programs already in place and find ways to ensure Americans' privacy and rights are respected. Finally, we have a third party that's willing to curtail government overreach and respect the rights of citizens.

At least, you probably hoped that would be the case.

In a leaked report delivered to the government yesterday, the review panel recommended only modest changes in the way the agency does its business.

Like we said, it's been months since Edward Snowden spilled the beans. Now they're hoping you don't care as much and they can sneak these "reforms" through without much fanfare.

Sascha Meinrath, director of the Open Technology Institute, had this to say about the report:

"The review group was searching for ways to make the most modest pivot necessary to continue business as usual. ... [the report] does nothing to alter the lack of trust the global populace has for what the U.S. is doing, and nothing to restore our reputation as an ethical Internet steward."

Meinrath said it best when asked about the modest proposed changes:

"I think what [the administration is] going to find is when the initial dust settles from this attempt to spin the story is that people are going to be quick to realize this is not meaningful reform, this is not a bold new direction, and it is not going to do much to rein in a surveillance regime run amok."


According to every poll, Congress and the White House are universally despised for its corruption, anti-citizen laws, mismanagement of the economy and so on.


The right to privacy is the time-travel paradox of constitutional law: even though it didn't exist as a constitutional doctrine until 1961, and didn't form the basis of a Supreme Court ruling until 1965, it is in some respects the oldest constitutional right. It is the right to privacy that forms the common foundation of the freedom of conscience outlined in the First Amendment, the right to be secure in one's person outlined in the Fourth Amendment, and the right to refuse self-incrimination outlined in the Fifth Amendment - despite the fact that the word "privacy" itself appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution.

More at:



Whistle-blower Edward Snowden revealed the NSA has been abusing their stated mission. As usually happens in these situations, politicians and officials are lying to cover their tracks. They don't like the fact that they got caught with their pants down. (It is the Information Age. Duh.)

They say they are doing all of this in the interest of "national security." But I have to ask how much national security do we need before we reach a point of diminishing returns?

How many times are we going to keep going to the well of referencing the tragic events of Sept. 11 to justify deepening security while we continue
sacrificing more of our privacy?

Why do the feds feel the need to violate everything we hold dear in this country?




Sneaky Smart gadgets are watching you…


Cell phones and laptops are the main culprits that may be watching you without your knowledge.  Devices provided by schools and employers are especially prone to watching you without your knowledge…built-in cameras and built-in software which tracks every keystroke.


Your own smartphone or laptop may be able to recognize your face.  HP, Dell and others now automatically include biometric facial recognition technology in their laptops and some newer laptops contain fingerprint scanners.  Your best bet for securing your privacy is to remain as low-tech as possible.


Revelations of the surveillance programs of the National Security Agency(NSA) and the U.K. Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ) have sparked technical innovations, legal challenges, and pursuits of political reforms in the United States and Britain. While some established providers of secure e-mails have bowed out, new companies are moving in to offer consumers protection from prying.


This Is How The NSA Is Tracking You This Instant

That cell phone in your back pocket, which you are so addicted to thanks to all its apps, videos, messaging function and all other cool bells and whistles, that you can’t possibly live without? It is simply the definitive NSA tracking beacon used to find where you are at any given moment.


More tips you can use to protect yourself from privacy predators…


Shred computer files easily…Go to and find wipe programs and other security tools to ensure that old passwords, old website visits, old emails and other information on your hard drive can’t be retrieved later (for example, when you donate a computer to a charity).


Encrypt your cellphone:  Stop being tracked by GPS or listened to by hackers with a cell phone frequency scanner.  Two good options include and


Ramp up security by using a free open-source program such as


The safest way to use the ‘Cloud’ is to encrypt your files first or use a service such as


Stop giving up your privacy on facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. by using a new technology called Privly – Learn more at:




The Poor Man has long warned - Keep your business to yourself…


Operational security is a military term that essentially means the security necessary to deny the enemy any useful information about what you are doing, and it’s not just a term for military folks, either. It has lots of ramifications into the civilian prepper world – guidelines that most people who term themselves preppers ought to be following.

Consider that little good can come from revealing your plans to anyone outside your family unit. The information you inadvertently reveal about your preparations and plans is almost certain to arouse suspicion with authorities at various levels, not to mention opportunistic criminals. It’s not that preppers are engaged in any illegal activities – to whit, the overwhelming majority of those that take on the moniker of prepper or survivalist are overwhelmingly law abiding – it’s just that certain activities are twisted by some people into something they are not. A certain person might enjoy shooting, and acquire a perfectly legal gun collection only to be branded as “having an arsenal.” Another person might have a huge food stockpile and be termed a “hoarder” or even implicated of being insane.

The reasons for these perceptions mainly have to do with America’s shift to more leftist political leanings and general moral decay. There isn’t much that can be done about that problem, but there is much you can do about remaining operationally secure in your preps and not arouse attention. Here are some tips:

1.       Keep your mouth shut: It’s important to not volunteer more information than people need to know in any given conversation. Be wary about revealing too much information to strangers – if you’re thinking right now that you don’t talk to strangers, consider your average store purchase. If you buy a cart full of canned goods and the cashier asks if you’re planning for World War III, don’t take the bait. Oftentimes, store clerks and low level store employees act as tipsters to higher level people.

2.       Watch what you say in texts and email: Assume that nothing is secure with these forms of communication. Never write anything that would even be perceived as incriminating or reveal a clue as to what your preparations are. Best to not write it down for any reason, since as soon as you hit send, the communication is forever gone and no longer your property.

3.       Be wary of posting photos on the Internet: Besides vain bragging, what is to be gained by posting a photo of that new rifle or that pantry full of canned goods stacked from floor to ceiling? Even if you think the photo reveals little in terms of location, consider that many smartphones will attach a GPS coordinate to the metadata in the photo. This invisible geotag is by default on unless you disable it, and many people unwittingly send photos all over cyberspace with their full GPS coordinates embedded within. It’s an elementary process to see the geotag as well – anyone can do it within 30 seconds. Now that distant retreat cabin is no longer in a secure, undisclosed location – it is at precisely X GPS coordinates!

4.       Keep your ride anonymous: Don’t put little stickers on your car that show how many are in your family, where your son or daughter is an honor student at, or anything else that reveals where you live. Even car dealer license plate frames that show were you bought the car can even be used against you. Make sure your car has nothing on the outside that easily identifies you, and leave the interior devoid of items that would do the same.

5.       Keep your home anonymous: Do you often leave your garage door open so that passersby can see what’s inside? Consider that they can not only see the contents, but get a visual on where the interior door is that leads to the home and even what kind of lock is on it. At night, all drapes should be closed, making it harder for people to see in your home. All it takes is a clear night, open drapes, and a dime store telescope for someone to completely map out the layout of your home.

Operational security is essentially a big fancy word that means common sense

© 2013 Off The Grid News

Lawmakers can do more to protect their citizens, and there's a rising recognition in Congress that America has gone too far. There's genuine momentum for at least some reform. The USA Freedom Act would curb some bulk collection of data and has bipartisan support, and this is progress.

No one should take seriously President Obama's promise to a TV interviewer that he is planning to "rein in" the surveillance. The president's record of broken promises when it comes to civil liberties is long and disheartening. What is valuable, however, is that he is now on the defensive.


Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State”

 Bill Binney is the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information. A 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees. Binney has been interviewed by virtually...


It’s time for all real Americans to tell the government to mind its own business AND not ours!

Find more privacy resources and free downloads at:


And a Merry little Christmas to all...
Click here to watch our little Christmas Greeting video…


escapeartist said...

Wow - did you nail it on the head or what! Most Americans are too complacent to care...too busy worrying about Miley Cyrus or some other real important stuff.

MIN said...

This is the age of repression in America-you no longer have any rights since the illegal un-Patriot Act became law.