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Monday, June 6, 2011

Sports all the Time

Sports all the Time!

Posted by Gaylord Campbell

I decided to get cable from only because I'm a huge sports fan and didn't seem to be getting all the games and networks I needed from basic cable. For example, I love to watch NASCAR races every Sunday but I usually only got one on my channels if I was lucky.

 Now I have The Speed Network and get to watch any race I want as well as interviews and specials with the drivers. I'm also really into golf, and I only got one or two tournaments at this time, but now with The Golf Network, I can watch reruns of the best tournaments and some original programming wh! ere I learn tips and tricks to improve my game. Football was a no-brainer, and since I live up north I'm really into Pro ball. I have all kinds of NFL specials and networks on my TV now, so between that and NASCAR, my Sundays are pretty much booked! I can't say that my wife is too happy, but my buddies seem to always be at my house after church!

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