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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jury Nullification: Something Every Citizen Should Know

Bruce’s Poor Man Survival Bulletin

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

For Independent Minded People!

ISSN 2161-5543

"We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world;

and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding

twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read." 

-- Mark Twain

 From The Smiling Dog Saloon Files


In This Issue:

1.        Protecting your online privacy – Part I & 2

2.       DIY Heater

3.       Jury Nullification-Something every citizen should know

4.       Legal Tender Laws – Empty Promises?



Protecting Your Online Privacy Tips

Protect your Smart phone, laptop, home computer and more with these useful resources…it’s up to you to safeguard your data as Big Brother sure won’t (Hint: the government is the WORST abuser)!

By Darnell Jackson

#1 – Password Privacy

The easiest way to get your data stolen is to use a weak password.

Most people are not aware that most “hackers” crack into systems using a technique called social engineering.

They don’t always crack into your account with sophisticated high powered computers; many times they just simply put two and two together and try a few different password combinations using information they have about you. This is why writing your password on a note under your keyboard is a bad idea.

Password Privacy Do’s:

  • Keep it simple. Use a password that you can remember.
    There’s no point in having a password that you can’t recall when you need it most. Keep it simple, don’t make it too hard.
  • Use a song, part of a quote, a popular movie line, or phrase as a base.
    For example, “We don’t need no stinking badges.” Can become WDNNSB if you use the first letter of each word. Add to this your favorite special characters and a few numbers like your birth year and now you have a strong password, ex: WDNNSB@1971!.

Password Privacy Don’ts:

  • Use a password management software.
    The whole point of a PRIVATE password is that only YOU have it, if you store it in some management system, guess what? Someone else has access to it too. Instead of taking this risk, just type them in clear text in a text document somewhere in a way that only YOU can understand or interpret. Example %myfavmovieline%@yearoftheMAN!
  • Use the same password.
    Instead figure out an identification system to add to your password on each site that you use. For example BOA_WDNNSB@1971! Or WDNNSB@1971!boa for your Bank of America account and WDNNSB@1971!wells or WF-WDNNSB@1971! For your Wells Fargo account.

Also don’t forget to alternate the text capitalization as this adds further complexity to your password. You can capitalize the first letter only, or the last letter only, or only the first two letters, whatever it is just remember to keep it consistent and easy for you to remember.


#2 – Search privacy

Unfortunately Google, Yahoo, and Bing have all admitted to storing and sharing your data with “others”. This can put you in a predicament when you just want to keep your private communications private.

Here are the top 8 search engines that do not store information such as when you search and what you’re searching:


If you still want to use Google but you don’t want them to know what YOU search then you should try this:

  • Hide your IP address.
    Use software tools like Easy-Hide-Ip and Quick Hide IP Platinum. This is needed because your IP address acts almost like your social security number online. With this info your ISP, people you email, and websites you visit can easily figure out specifically WHO you are.

  • Make sure you’re not logged in to Google.
    Try using Google Chrome in “incognito mode”.
    Open Chrome, click the options/settings button and select New incognito window:
  • Go to

This will help prevent “others” from seeing what you search for Google such as your ISP, that is whoever is providing you an internet connection. Also, if you’re not logged in to Google then they won’t have an account to link to your searches.

*Remember, this helps dramatically but it’s still not a 100% private.

Read the Rest PLUS Part II at:




PM’s Roundup of Useful Resources…


How to Build a SHTF Tin Can Heater

You can never have too many backup plans when it comes
to keeping warm. That's why I really love this
can heater/stove

It's quiet, smokeless, puts out tons of heat, and costs less than
$2 to build. I shared the plans for this heater, along with a demo
video, in today's blog post.

"Sure, there are a million survival stoves on the market. But
if you’re like me, you’re a huge sucker for learning how to
build your survival tools all by yourself, “MacGuyver style”
as I like to say…

That’s why I was excited to come across this video, which
shows how to build a low-tech alcohol stove out of a paint
can, rubbing alcohol, and a roll of TP.

In fact, this is an excellent time to add all 3 of these items
to you survival checklist:

1 – large aluminum can
1 – Large container of rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol)
1 – Extra toilet paper (you can never really have too much)

Here’s how to build this simple heater/stove... "


Will Work For Free is a documentary by Sam Vallely on the subject of technological unemployment. This work is protected under fair use and will always be free. Facebook: For information on RBE(Resource-Based Economy):


Should I fix it myself? Or will that just make it worse

I had that question several times this week when computer problems left me dumbfounded.  Normally, I can pretty well fix glitches, malware, adware and the like on my own but those who create these problems become more sophisticated each year.  Some of these bugs get well buried in your hard drive and I had to call in some expensive help…you may find the same when it comes to household challenges…
read more here



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The Nanny State- Your Weekly Dose of Government Misinformation


“Juries have the power to judge the facts of the case as well as the law itself.”

Jury Nullification is a tool we can all use to fight legal abuse…
The fabric of American society depends on the right to "trial by jury", and by one's peers, of course. There's no need to impede justice and the court system. Simply nullify. Don't let the state punish people for so-called "crimes" that don't actually have any victims. Jury nullification has been used to protect religious freedom, protect escaped chattel slaves and to fight alcohol prohibition. The founders knew that the jury and the power of nullification therein were vital components of fighting growing tyranny.
Learn about Jury Nullification – a tool Americans can use to take back our country plus other legal resources.




The Parting ThoughtNothing to worry in the land of the free!


 "Governments made legal tender laws to make it illegal not to use their paper money - backed by nothing but promises."

There's a partial truth in that sentence. Can you spot it?

Don't worry if you can't. You're not supposed to. It's part of an orchestrated deception.

It's the part about "their paper money." The truth is that governments, and by extension, the countries they govern, don't issue their own money.

The twist is, while government agencies print their currency's bills and stamp their coins, it's not always "their" money.

Countries throughout the free world don't actually own their money.

Guess who does?

The money that we think of as bills and coins is actually created and owned by banks.

Governments manufacture the physical medium we exchange, but it's not their money.

Here's that deception I was talking about: you're supposed to believe that the government, and by extension, a country, issues its own currency because you're supposed to believe in government's implied promise to back its money.

Governments print and coin their currency, so people trust it. But it's not their money.

Here's how the great deception works - and how banks create money, how they got governments to work for them and protect them, and how they created central banks to leverage their control of their government partners.

The early modern history of banking starts in 12th Century Venice and goes on to the establishment of the first central bank, the Bank of England, in 1694, and it is fascinating. But, we're going to uncover the truth about banks and central banks by unearthing the roots of the most powerful and deceptive banking cartel in the world.

The American model, which is in fact an alliance between America's big banks and the American government, is the hub around which most world banking systems revolve.

America's colonies had their own banks. Fractional reserve banking was widely practiced by all the banks in the colonies. So it wasn't long before America's banks overextend themselves - and imploded.

What made matters worse was that there were so many different currencies. Banks in different colonies - and different banks in the same colonies - were free to print their own bills of currency.

In 1781, before the U.S. Constitution was drafted, the Continental Congress granted a charter to Robert Morris, a member of Congress, to establish the Bank of North America, the nation's first central bank.

It was hoped that the new bank, which was granted a monopoly to issue bank notes, and became the official depository for all federal funds, would facilitate commerce and create some order out of fractured banking schemes plaguing the country.

But, this new Bank of North America was no different than any other bank. It was grossly undercapitalized, and, through the magic of fractional reserve banking, loaned out more than it had in reserves.

Its paper money was technically redeemable in specie; however the public lost confidence in the bank and aggressively began discounting its notes because of the vast quantity the bank had issued. The nation's first central bank had its charter revoked and reverted to a struggling commercial bank only two years after it opened.

Then along comes the Constitution.

The Constitution makes no direct mention of paper money or banks, but the Founding Fathers were intimately aware of banking problems in all the states.   Continues here:




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“Until the next revolution”, the Poor Man



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