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Monday, August 13, 2018

Our Inadequate Public Schools

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


The Troubling Growth of Our Inadequate Public Schools


Every government in history has sought conformity and control. The chief weapon governments use to achieve them is psychological warfare.  And it must be working in America as few question anything.


It all begins with indoctrination and conditioning through schools where children are taught what to think, not how to think.  I find it rather bizarre, for example, when anti-Trump protestors are questioned about what it is precisely they are protesting, most cannot provide a reasoned answer.  They simply parrot answer someone has obviously already given them, one which rarely makes any sense.

The more perfect psychological warfare, the more perfect is conformity and control. These two terms — conformity and control — are self-enforcing. That is, where there is conformity, there is control. Where there is control, there is conformity. The greater the one,  the greater the other. 

We are the most conditioned and programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded, our very awareness of the whole design has been erased.


One important thought here: A person's IQ or education level has absolutely nothing to do with his perception of reality. Higher education is higher brainwashing. Sometimes it seems that the more education, the bigger the fool. 


Indeed, with the research I have done, along with others, one could easily reach the conclusion that collectively the average IQ of most Americans has been headed south for a generation or more.  I blame much of this on our failing public schools and the growing addiction and dependence many have to electronic devices.


Throughout several years of owning several businesses including a very successful publishing venture, I have hired dozens of employees.  I have also taught a variety of college level courses covering such subjects as retail marketing, political science and others.  I also conducted seminars and workshops throughout the nation for more than a decade and have met a number of people from a variety of backgrounds.


Like a lot of other business owners, we have seen a troubling growth trend in the United States among those aged 40 and younger.  The skill level is dropping.  This applies to basic social skills and education skills such as reading, writing and math.  Our schools are failing at preparing our young for real world 101 and many now require “retraining” in order to fit into the workplace.

What troubles me even more, is how often young people are so often bamboozled by their own government – fewer seem to have a grasp of the Bill of Rights or our history.  American history and the Constitution seem have been glossed over in today’s school systems [as does basic grammar as so many seem to have vocabularies limited to clichés today].


A well educated populace is one key to a successful nation.  A poorly educated person is easier to manipulate and politicians throughout history have known this [this is why mass book burnings have been a popular and symbolic tool of despots and why there is growing trend in this country to revise our own history beginning with book banning and the removal of statues of southern Civil War military and political officials].


The basis of mass mind control is the use of carefully chosen words that have been twisted and distorted to manipulate the public mind. Whole volumes could be written about this. Few escape this psychological warfare. Words are created and repeated. This repetitiveness expands the collective psyche to further accept and repeat. 

Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. He says that mass persuasion and mass hypnosis is the fundamental of so-called democracy. 

This is from Bernays book, Propaganda

"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.

"In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business or in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."

The public mind is controlled once a person believes a "fact" long enough. He or she can no longer ponder or contemplate information or a question that challenges the "established" fact. The mind simply cannot process information that conflicts with previously accepted data. Prior conditioning is difficult to challenge. 


The same is true if we believe a lie long enough. We cannot ponder or contemplate information that challenges the lie, even if the lie is lethal, such as "fluoride prevents cavities." 

Psychologists call this quirk of human nature cognitive dissonance. It means the rejection of information not in harmony with previous beliefs. 

We are now being told that certain thoughts and ideas are "hate speech" and therefore out of bounds and must be eliminated. The internet is being scrubbed of any thought that deviates outside the norm if it can be labeled as "hate speech," which is of course a nebulous, meaningless and undefinable term. It's being done with the endorsement of politicians and leftist media pundits. 


For instance, policies and tone set by political leaders matter…under Pres. Obama, Americans were mislead to believe that “inequality was a bigger problem than slow economic growth and that only government regulation and politically directed credit could create prosperity.”  The result was something straight out the Communist playbook which created economic stagnation.  Obama nearly choked our nation with over-regulation [not that it needed help in that arena].  In 2018 growth in now reaching 4 percent but that won’t be enough for Democratic city and state governments like Philadelphia or Sacramento to dig itself out of its weight of unsustainable retirement [overpromised] retirement pledges to municipal workers which might be as high as $4 trillion or as high as size of Germany’s entire economy…cities such as Detroit, another Democrat enclave, ran up so much debt, it was forced into bankruptcy.

This is thought/mind control on a mass scale, bigger than Nazi book burnings. It is the electronic "memory hole" in action. Big Brother would feel right at home.


“Individuals with high trait anger have a tendency to overestimate their abilities, i.e. thinking that they are smarter than they actually are. This part of anger is associated with narcissistic illusions,” Zajenkowski told PsyPost.


Bob Livingston & Bruce ‘the Poor Man Survivor’
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™ 




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As a result, the rate of bankruptcy among Americans over age 65 has doubled over the period studied by the researchers. "For an increasing number of older Americans, their golden years are fraught with economic risks, the result of which is often bankruptcy," their report noted.

Because one-quarter of the country will be older than 65 by 2050 compared with 15 percent now, the authors predict America will see a "coming storm of broke elderly."



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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production



Larry said...

It is easy to evidence of our failed school systems just about everywhere you go in public...too many young people 9and their parents] are morons, unable to remove their brain from their device to even carry on a reasonable conversation and so many of this rather blank look in their eye.

Thomas said...

Social Media Is Dumbing Down Our Society
Experts who look into such things say that while social networking has its benefits — professionally, personally, politically — it’s also dumbing down the ways people communicate with each other. Having so many channels of communication has overwhelmed our ability to thoughtfully interact online, encouraging cheap and easy forms of communication.

Marcy said...

It should be pretty evident to anyone over the age of 40 how much our schools have family and I shudder at the thought of turning the reigns of society over to the next generation, many of which have limited vocabularies and can barely tie a shoelace.