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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remembering 9/11 - The Perpetual War

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

9/11 Became a Perpetual War on Our Freedom

The 9/11 attack on America was a prelude for perpetual U.S. war on the Middle East and Africa. The U.S. has been responding with bombs of its own ever since.

A series of wars not related to 9/11 — but launched under the guise of the "war on terror" and using the imprimatur of the 2001 authorization to use force agreement — were launched and continue to this day upon the Middle Eastern, Persian and North African nations and people. As a result, the entire region is destabilized; millions of innocent people have been killed, injured and displaced; and untold trillions of dollars of infrastructure, buildings and homes have been destroyed. The people have been left homeless, destitute, starving and diseased.

The U.S. has bombed wedding parties and birthdays in Pakistan and U.S. citizens in Yemen. In order to "save" citizens in Libya, it bombed them. It helped assassinate Moammar Gadhafi. "We came, we saw, he died," Clinton yucked when she learned of Gadhafi's death.

It's bombed people in Mali, Somalia and Algeria. According to the Bureau for Investigative Journalism, the U.S. drone campaign has killed thousands of innocent civilians, including hundreds of children. Tens of thousands more died in Libya from NATO (read U.S.) bombs.

The result of that exercise in "soft power" was a power vacuum in a once peaceful country that resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Libyans, and hundreds of thousands more impoverished and caught in the crossfire of a sundry of militant groups vying for power and a UN-installed government in charge of parts of the country. It also enabled the gunrunning operation through the Libyan consulate that got Ambassador Chris Stephens and three others killed.

Is anyone surprised that there are people in the world who bitterly hate the United States and its rulers?

The U.S. spawned ISIS in 2006 with an assist from Saudi Arabia and nurtured, aided and abetted the terror organization's campaign against Syria with the help of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Israel. For a time we were told ISIS even posed an existential threat to America — the greatest threat since Nazi Germany, they said.

7500 FBI Agents & Military Personnel have died since the attack cancer

 related diseases alone to explosions from the Pentagon building…


The U.S. continues to fund and protect al-Qaida-linked anti-Syrian forces and President Donald Trump has warned Syria and its ally Russia not to eradicate the U.S.-backed "rebels" in Idlib, threatening a confrontation. U.S. warmongers of late — apparently able to discern future events — predict a Syrian chemical weapons attack on the rebels, which serves to provide cover for another false flag chemical release by the rebels on Syrians in Idlib.

Syria is just another stepping stone to war in Iran which would culminate the globalist's plans to destabilize and conquer the Middle East as outlined in the Council on Foreign Relations' playbook, The Project for the New American Century, and the Brookings Institute's Which Path to Persia.

The U.S. is also expanding its war in Africa, backing Saudi Arabia and providing them with refueling and logistical support for its war on Yemen. Foreign Policy, a mouthpiece publication of the establishment, notes America is building a $110 million drone base in Niger to patrol the skies and target militants and smugglers traveling between Niger, Libya, Algeria, Mali, and Chad. The base will soon house some 650 members of the U.S. military.

It is very difficult to get any truth in America from the politicians or the controlled media. And certainly the official story of the 9/11 attack is a conspiracy theory.

It is risky to believe anything official. The art of war is that all warfare is based on deception and that rulers must cultivate the appearance of moral rightness in order to rally the people and persuade them to fight. It works!

That's right. The official story is a lie. Not even the 9/11 Commission believes it got to the bottom of what happened that day because of a massive cover-up by agencies and actors within the U.S. government. Dozens of questionssurrounding the official narrative remain unanswered, and the establishment and those trapped in conventional wisdom or suffering from normalcy bias relegate the questions to fringe nuttery and dismiss them.

No one even bothers to ponder what happened to WTC 7, the first skyscraper in history to collapse as a result of fire (the official story).

In short, the 9/11 event only served the interests of the U.S. establishment. Much private freedom has been lost in the interest of "security," not to mention the killing and maiming (both physically and mentally) of thousands of U.S. service members plus trillions upon trillions of dollars stolen from the American people through money printing and to support the military-industrial machine.

The so-called "war on terror" was supposed to make us safe from terror attacks. But despite the years of war, we are told the terror threat now is as great as ever and false flag terror attacks — the FBI is surprisingly involved every time in either facilitating them or in tracking the culprits, only to lose them at the last minute — are occurring with greater frequency.

Now in terms of psychological warfare against the American people by "our" own government, "attacks" on the U.S. only serve to build the power and despotism of the establishment.

All modern wars are bankster wars; and the banksters and corporatists make out like bandits while the people are killed, maimed, impoverished and enslaved. The "war on terror" is a fraud orchestrated by the elites and designed to create the New World Order. That's the truth; but the American people, for the most part, don't believe it and will not even consider it.

The un-Patriot Act which was a result was passed in a rush and then renewed again in order to eliminate ALL privacy and circumvent the 4th Amendment and most banking regulations on Americans is the most un-American set of laws in our history and those legislators who passed these laws [especially George Bush] should be ashamed to call themselves Americans…

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston and the Poor Man Survivor
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™


Only one path to avoid civil war and collapse…

I've posted an emergency video broadcast today, warning about the coming civil war and collapse of America.

There is only one path that can avoid this outcome... will President Trump take it?


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While supplies last, these kits are available for only $21.95 and that includes Priority Shipping [we were force to increase prices due to another round of USPS price hikes]. Go here for this deal:

Yours for smarter living,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’


Additional FREE Resources

Your Free Middle Class Survival Kit


Researched by our editors and include 100s of tips, tricks and insider methods of saving money, earning extra money [many from the comfort of your home], the best places to live,  How to find little-known freebies, discounts and other benefits-over 2,000 programs!



Other notes of interest…


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Triad might reap further rewards for its persistence. It’s one of a handful of firms that are poised to benefit from a nascent comeback for manufactured homes, shipments of which have been on the rise since 2009. Consolidation among producers and the exodus of lenders have left a just few businesses -- including three owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. -- to dominate a market that looks primed for growth in the face of rising prices for site-built houses and the potential for regulatory change.

The level of U.S. consumer debt was $618 billion higher than the previous peak of $12.68 trillion in the third quarter of 2008. It was 19.2 percent above a post global credit crisis low set in the second quarter of 2013, the New York Fed said.

Outstanding education debt in the U.S. has tripled over the last decade and now exceeds $1.5 trillion, posing a greater burden to Americans than auto or credit card debt.
For many, the payments are proving unmanageable. By 2023, nearly 40 percent of borrowers are expected to default on their student loans.


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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production


1 comment:

Larry said...

Looks like you're back...hope your trip was good. 9/11 was a sad day for all but worse in that all Americans got Bushwacked with the worst set of laws ever foisted on our soil by George Jr. - the un-Patriot Act which essentially destroyed the Bill of Rights. It is the beyond a doubt the most un-American set of so-called laws ever passed in our history and a pox on Bush and those who support this BS which robbed us of our privacy [though the NSA has always done a good job of throwing that out the window].