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Monday, March 22, 2021



Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

Hope for the best-Plan for the worst!

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Let’s be clear: Biden did not inherit a border crisis. Biden created it!

   DESPITE trying to lay blame on Pres. Trump for the explosion of illegals swamping our border, it’s the destructive Biden policies that have opened this floodgate…AND notably, he’s not requiring them to get any kind of health screening, just allowing them to spread throughout the nation. Biden has SOLD OUT America.

This is a threat to our national well being and I firmly believe Biden should be impeached for his actions.  69.3% rate border security as a top priority according to a recent EPOCH poll.

As cartels get stronger on our border due to Biden’s policies-expect even more violence to come to America. They now have an easy mechanism for entry into the US and use it as a pipeline for crime.

It would seem Biden has handed over our borders to gangs and cartels offering nightly gun battles in border cities [news reports which aired on Fox indicate heavy weapons being used]. 

Cartels are increasing their influence on human smuggling, drug smuggling, and other crimes.  We also see a rise in the influx of MS13 gang members and citizens from Africa and the Middle East with at least four known terrorists captured this week alone.

Large numbers of Central American children – who, under laws passed in 2002, cannot be immediately deported but must undergo complex hearings to determine if they warrant asylum, are being uses by cartels and illegals to expedite entry into our country.

As Dems continue to spread their hate filled and divisive dogma, they’re actually responsible for creating the so-called racial divide in America…they can only operate when they convince voters they’re victims.


The Minuteman Project was an organization started in August 2004 by a group of private individuals in the United States to extrajudicially monitor the United States–Mexico border's flow of illegal immigrants. Founded by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, the name derives from the Minutemen, militiamen who fought in the American Revolution…

…Many are sounding the alarm over Biden’s border policies:

Biden Admin Declares War on Free Press in Desperate Bid to Contain Border Crisis


Sen. Kennedy Warns Biden Will Spend Border Wall Money Elsewhere

It is no secret that Biden and his administration are failing at the border. We are seeing an average of over 500 unaccompanied children arriving at the border each day. This cannot continue. 

I spoke with Fox News about the ongoing crisis at the Border. Watch it here:


Mexican Officials: Biden’s Immigration Policies are Aiding ‘Organized Crime’ and Drug Cartels


Terrorists May Exploit Biden’s Weak Border Policies If We Don't Act



Having a large food stockpile is one of the main goals of every prepper. Unfortunately, many newbies think that all they have to do is run to the store and fill a cart with canned foods. This is a costly mistake. You need to take some time to figure out what foods to store and exactly how to store them.

 Most of my readers already know the basics of emergency food storage, but I also have quite a few readers who are just getting started--people who have never used any food storage methods other than their refrigerator. This guide is my attempt to help them get started, and it's also a good refresher for more experienced preppers.

 By the end of this guide, you will know the basics of food storage so you can start stockpiling the right foods in the right places to ensure your family has something to eat after a major disaster...

 The Beginner's Guide To Emergency Food Storage

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 The Beginner’s Guide to Freeze-Dried Food


In modern days, economic collapse is one of the most likely disasters that people all over the world must contend with. Even in an economic stronghold such as the United States, the possibility of economic collapse looms large.

 In fact, many experts believe that the current economic downturn is just the beginning and that the severity of the covid depression is yet to be seen. And considering that the fundamental problems behind this economy still haven't been fixed, they are probably right.

 Aside from the financial consequences, though, there are plenty of other scary things that follow in the wake of an economic collapse. Below, we’ll cover some of these frightening possibilities in order to highlight why it is so important to be prepared.

 1. Kidnappings Increase - Countries that experience an economic collapse typically see a spike in kidnappings as well. Kidnapping a person of wealth and demanding a ransom is one way for desperate people to acquire money when no other means of acquiring money are available...


13 Scary Things that Happen When an Economy Collapses

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 How to Survive The Next Great Depression




Prepare. Train. Survive.

For many, the idea of societal collapse may seem like an unimaginable impossibility, but so too was the idea of mass shutdowns only a short time ago. The truth is societies often have, and still can, collapse, and we are fooling ourselves if we think that our specific little slice of history is any different...

 3 Ways The United States Could Collapse Into Chaos

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 10 Widespread Disasters That Could Happen At Any Time


Parler reopened!



Useful Resources from our storefront-See new items!

You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…

Liberty Band Emergency Solar Radio

Staying informed could be a matter of life and death.

That’s why federal and state agencies advise that every American home should have an emergency radio.

Don't get caught off guard during a lengthy quarantine or natural disasters. Preparation is, as usual, the absolute key...



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Rick said...

Biden is an international criminal and part of the globalist Mafia. The globalists wanted to show the world how they could take the worst possible turd and make him president over the one president, Trump, who was fixing our country. The globalists are laughing at how easy it was for them to put a brain dead criminal in the oval office.

Randy said...

So few seem to give a tats ass about this border bull crap-WTH is wrong with people?