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Monday, February 20, 2023

America’s social fabric is shredded


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


America’s social fabric is shredded

 Many of America’s largest cities are more dangerous for young men than Middle Eastern war zones. According to a study published by the JAMA Network on Dec. 22, 2022, young adult males from the most violent zip codes in Chicago, Illinois, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, have a notably higher risk of firearm-related death than did American soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This study of 129,826 young adults in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and Philadelphia from 2020 to 2021 found that minority men in Chicago and Philadelphia were at the greatest risk. The worst Philadelphia neighborhoods were twice as dangerous as Afghanistan. The worst Chicago neighborhoods were three times as dangerous.

The War on Cops author Heather Macdonald argues that the recent surge of murders is a result of public hostility toward police in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting in August 2014, which has caused officers in minority neighborhoods to reduce their interactions with residents.

Former Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. digs deeper and blames government entitlement programs for making his fellow black Americans in America’s inner cities dependent on the state, fueling a breakdown of families that exacerbates criminal behavior. One fourth of all American children are raised without a father, and in some cities, this figure goes up to one half.

Instead of working to strengthen America’s families, bureaucrats, academics and radical social engineers are further obliterating them. The Oxford English Dictionary added 18 words in 2022 relating to gender identity, and the Cambridge Dictionary quietly changed the definition of “woman” to “an adult who lives and identifies as female even though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.” Merriam-Webster updated its definition of “woman” two years ago. Radical leftists are literally redefining sex, science and reality. Learn why this is dangerous in our booklet Redefining Family.

Radical leftists also control the media, relying on networks of “dark money.” According to a study published by the conservative group MRC Business on January 5, left-wing billionaire George Soros spent at least $131 million between 2016 and 2020 to influence media groups such as the Marshall Project, Project Syndicate, Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network, National Public Radio, ProPublica, Free Press and the federal government’s short-lived Disinformation Governance Board.

This is just a fraction of the $1 billion that Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society gives to far-left organizations all around the world each year. Soros is considered one of the world’s foremost philanthropists, but his millions are powering radical socialism.


Everybody knows that if you disagree with the Left’s lies, you will either be smeared as a bigot or thrown down Orwell’s memory hole. What isn’t so well known is that this process also applies to big names on the Left who deviate from the correct line. No matter how big a celebrity you once were, you will soon become a non-person.


Editor's Note —

What We Have 

Top Welfare Fraud Statistics that Will Shock You (Editor’s Picks)

SNAP Welfare Abuse in America

TANF Welfare Abuse Statistic

The Cost of Welfare Fraud

US Government Welfare Statistics



Reduce the Cost of Pet Healthcare

You love your pets to death. But their medical bills can be a challenge to your family’s budget. Use some of these tools to reduce the cost of caring for your furry, feathered, or finned kids!


11 High-Calorie Crops You Can Grow in Containers


Container gardening may not seem like the ultimate in survival gardening; but for some preppers, it’s the only way to go. Preppers who live in apartments can either choose container gardening or give up on gardening altogether. Considering that they typically don’t have enough storage space for a good stockpile, choosing not to container garden just shortens the time till they run out of food. 

But is container gardening even a viable alternative? Can you grow enough calories to keep you going? With salads and veggies basically being “diet food”, it might not seem like it’s possible to do much with a container garden. But that’s far from the truth. While leafy vegetables are low in calories, root vegetables are some of the highest-calorie foods we eat. It’s all about making the right choices.

That includes making the right choices in which containers you use. Don’t forget, container gardening can refer to any size containers, even big ones. While it may not seem practical to grow larger plants in containers, people actually do so all the time. They even grow trees in containers, although about the only trees that most of us could grow indoors would have to be dwarf fruit trees...

11 High-Calorie Crops You Can Grow in Containers

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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production






Bobbie said...

As my Dad always said: don't Trust the Man!

Damian said...

Many Dem-ruined cities resemble 3rd-world nations-yet, moron citizens continually reelect the same thieves into office?! How stupid can you get?

Cathy said...

Socialist-Dems are turning America into a class of serfs; a new-feudalist society and most are too stupid to see it.

Nona said...

I can only assume the lemmings enjoy living in crap cities, run by crap mayors...

Jerry said...

I firmly believe it will only get worse in the coming years thanks to spendaholics in DC!