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Monday, June 19, 2023

Pride used to foment unrest; Forbidden Knowledge TV



Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


"Pride" is a thinly veiled color revolution to destroy Western civilization

The term "color/colour revolution" is often associated with covert efforts among U.S. and European nations to foment civil unrest within enemy nations (and sometimes allied nations) as a means to destabilize their societies and governments. It is essentially 4th generation warfare, a concept developed by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino (a self-professed satanist) in a white paper titled "From Psyop To Mindwar." The goal is simple. To go to war against a country by attacking the citizenry rather than its armies. Or, to use the target population as a weapon to destroy their own country.

Color revolutions have been instigated for decades around the world. One such psy-op led to the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014 which caused the overthrow of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. This singular event was the primary trigger for the eventual Russian invasion of Ukraine this past year, as Vladimir Putin declared he would no longer tolerate color revolutions among Russian allies.

One can debate the wider implications of that war and who it actually benefits in the long run, but the fact remains that Euromaidan was a NATO-supported color revolution that initiated a powder keg event that brings us closer to world war. If chaos was the purpose, then the purpose has for the most part been achieved.

I would suggest, however, that even Euromaidan and its effects pale in comparison to a much larger and more destructive color revolution now underway in the form of the "Pride" movement in the U.S. and Europe. In fact, it has become clear in the past several years that Pride is in fact a color revolution, a political destabilization effort.

In the past, the Pride movement was seen as a separate and distinct entity focused on LGBT issues. But this is changing rapidly. Now, the Pride flag is being used as a symbol to encompass all woke concepts into a single organization, including everything from Antifa to BLM to trans trenders. The flag no longer represents a civil rights effort. Rather, it is a purely political emblem, a totem of cult worship.

LGBT groups are widely supported by every power center in our society. Major banks, corporations, globalist think tanks and governments all inject incredible amounts of funding into woke projects. Rebels don't get support from the establishment power structure; only useful idiots do. And this time, the establishment is targeting the Western world with the same tactics it has used against other nations.

But how does Pride undermine our civilization?

Firstly, the basic mantra of Pride is... well... pride. Pride is a failing and a weakness, not a virtue. I'm not sure why someone should have any pride in their sexual proclivities. Being gay does not make you special. It makes you a minority, but it's not an accomplishment that deserves a parade or an entire month on the calendar. The saying "Pride comes before the fall" exists for a reason; self-aggrandizement based on zero accomplishment is the path to self-destruction.

Second, Pride activists are rebels without a cause. There are no rights under the law in the West that gay and trans people don't have. Zero. Zip. Zilch. In other words, they must now create reasons to rebel from thin air. So, what is all the whining and rage all about? As far as I can tell, the vast majority of LGBT+infinity anger is based on their desire to target and indoctrinate children.

This is the hill leftists have chosen to die on, and for good reason. Any successful color revolution requires the support of the youth. If you can turn a society's children into soldiers for the cause, it is much more difficult for that society to fight back. The natural inclination of most adults today is to bend to the whims of their kids, not go to war with them. The problem is that many kids are generally ignorant and inexperienced. They are easily manipulated and easily used and are more likely to be exploited for ill purposes by evil people.

Third, the primary tool for pursuing and brainwashing Western youth has been the public school system, and more specifically the teachers and teachers' unions. The speed at which public schools are now openly embracing far-left ideology is shocking, and it is all due to the teachers. Understand that public schools have your kids for half the day, while you might be lucky to get a couple of hours with them per day on average. Most parents work hard, and don't have time to keep track of their kids' personal lives and who is influencing them.

Only in the past couple of years have parents in the U.S. started to wake up to the woke indoctrination process in schools, and hopefully it's not too late.

Leftist teachers argue that sexualized discussions in class should be protected as a form of civil rights activism. They say it is discriminatory to block lessons on LGBT issues and gender identity issues. This is obviously nonsense. There is absolutely no reason for teachers to be talking to students about sexual subjects, whether gay or straight, and there is zero concrete evidence to support gender-fluid theories. Again, this is ideology, not science.

And guess which political party teachers unions give 94 percent of their donations to? Yes, the Democratic Party.

Studies show a massive imbalance of leftists in education. Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican. Among math and science teachers there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans. The bottom line? The woke problem among children in the U.S. is primarily a teacher problem. Get rid of the leftist teachers and you get rid of the problem.

Fourth, the "male gaze" and masculinity in particular have been singled out for erasure in Western society as dangerous and "toxic."

The elephant in the room here needs to be addressed, which is that a society that is conditioned to be increasingly LGBT, or that transitions people from childhood using surgeries and hormones is going to have collapsing population numbers. And maybe that is one of the establishment's goals. To make the West infertile.

Fifth, the philosophical crux of the woke color revolution and trans activism is the idea of subjective reality. If identity and biology are subjective and a matter of perception, then what else is a matter of perception?

How about morality and conscience? If identity is a social construct, then surely the moral compass is a social construct, too. And as leftists commonly claim, social constructs they don't like are "fascism." In my view this is what the Pride movement is really all about... the creation of a morally relative society that treats right and wrong as subjective guidelines rather than ancient and inborn rules for life. And, in a morally relative society, collapse is inevitable.

We are already seeing it today with double standards being applied within the law in favor of leftists and leftist minority groups over conservatives and moderates. And, when the law starts to apply double standards, civil war is imminent. Maybe the point is to start a war the establishment thinks it can finish. Or, maybe the point is just to create more chaos and then swoop in to take over once the dust settles. Either way, the Pride movement color revolution is a clear psy-op that can only lead to the destabilization of the West.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith

NOTE:  Some areas are fighting this ‘shove it down your throat’ assault by this ‘community.’  Florida has banned teaching this nonsense to youngsters and Hamtramck, MI [once a conservative Polish community now taken over by Muslims] has banned flying any LBGQT flag on government property.

CIA & Air Force Panders to LGBT+ in PR Stunt – Americans Scoff at Divisive Wokeness




“Alice in Wonderland” Torture Technique


Forbidden Knowledge…

In Donald Trump’s remarks at Bedminster, NJ following his arraignment in Miami on Tuesday, he addressed the 800-pound gorilla in the room and he articulated something very important to all of us.

 As Donald Trump said and later posted to Truth:

“This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for 7 years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people, much as if they were trying to de-stabilize a foreign country!”

We have endured the past 7 years of being relentlessly strafed by psychological operations deployed by bureaucrats in our government – whose salaries we pay – and by their agents in the state media.


Guide to Buying Second-Hand Stuff


8 Places To Seek Shelter When The SHTF

At some point in everyone’s life there has been the errant thought of what one would do if society collapsed for one reason or another. The scenario is different for everyone, whether it be a natural disaster, raging pandemic, or invasion by various means.  For some, it has prompted deep thought into the first steps after the initial shock has passed.

For most, staying put inside their own house is both the only and best option when SHTF. But what happens when you are forced to leave your home? What is your backup plan? With the odds stacked against you it’s best to have multiple contingencies for almost every obstacle you can foresee.

This guide aims to help you plan a little further for your doomsday plan by including tips on finding a new shelter if you have to flee plus some ideas on shelters you can use locally in a pinch...

8 Places To Seek Shelter When The SHTF


A lot of the experts didn’t think that this would happen.  Once the pandemic subsided, global supply chains were supposed to return to normal.  But now “hundreds of drugs” are in short supply in the United States, and even CNN is admitting that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”.

In addition, Zero Hedge is also reporting that there are very serious concerns about global supply levels of sugar and coffee…

-The winter wheat harvest in Kansas this year is going to be the smallest since 1957.

-U.S. corn prices are expected to soar because the Corn Belt is being hit by the worst drought in 30 years.

-The size of the U.S. beef cow herd has fallen to the lowest level since 1962.

-The orange harvest in Florida in 2023 will be approximately 56 percent smaller than it was in 2022.

-Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, approximately 90 percent of Georgia’s peach crop for this year has been wiped out.


Ten things that will happen next if we don't stop the tyranny

The march of tyranny is upon us. You see it every day in the covid lockdowns, vaccine propaganda, government-sponsored censorship and banking / finance restrictions on what you're allowed to do with your own money.

The shocking truth, however, is that it's going to get far, far worse if we don't stop the march of tyranny that's accelerating all around us.

In today's analysis, I detail 10 unbelievable things that are sure to take place if we don't stop the march of tyranny and take back our privacy, our dignity and our future.

See the full story and Brighteon Broadcast News episode here.


Why do you need an emergency radio?


·         . Just 60 seconds of hand cranking provides more than 45 minutes of radio

Radios: Having a couple small, portable radios on hand is going to be a must. If there’s a disaster, you’ll need to listen to the radio to get news about what is happening around you….grab a TacRight Emergency Radio:


4Patriots Patriot Power Cell Solar Phone Charger

USE THIS solar gadget to survive an emergency! 

In 2022 alone there have been over 70 attacks on the power grid with reports of six in Florida, five in Oregon and Washington.

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Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom!


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You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead

Not Prepared? 

That's Bad News...



You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…


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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production






Will said...

These genetically challenged loudmouths & Dem troublemakers use anything to create dissent & divisiveness-it's what Marxists do.

Tadd said...

Patients who regret sex-change ops, sue doctors pose legal challenges for health care industry
Mother "repeatedly" told doctors daughter might have same bipolar disorder but was ignored in favor of drugs and surgery.

Sandy said...

Ha Ha - you got it-the left likes to divide this country; bunch of rats.

Mandy said...

Sick of so much push by the left to ram sexually challenged bull crap forced down our throat non-stop by media, schools, etc-keep it to themselves & tell Biden to stick it up his arthritic behind.