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Monday, June 5, 2023

Why is Civilization Collapsing?


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


For the past few years, I’ve spent countless hours learning about the potential for collapse, and I came to the conclusion that not only is the collapse of civilization possible, it has already begun.

This realization was overwhelming, to say the least.

Why is Civilization Collapsing?

There are many reasons, and I cover them all in this article, but here are the bullet points:

1.   Overshoot - We have already exceed the carrying capacity of the planet, which means a population collapse is inevitable.

2.   The End of Cheap Fossil Fuels - Our civilization depends on fossil fuels for its existence. Although there are still plenty remaining, they are deeper underground and thus more expensive to extract. As the price of coal, oil, and natural goes up exponentially, so will everything else.

3.   The Failure of Green Energy - Although renewables sound like a great idea, they can never truly replace fossil fuels, and it looks like there aren’t enough rare-earth metals in the ground for a green revolution, anyway.

4.   Dwindling Resources - We are running low on crucial resources like rubber (which is used in countless products), coarse sand (which we need to create concrete), and the basic ingredients for fertilizer, without which half the world would starve.

5.   Topsoil Erosion - More and more farmland is being abandoned because of the erosion of topsoil. Meanwhile, the global population continues to rise. This can only end in disaster.

6.   Water Shortages - Rivers such as the Colorado river and countless others around the world are drying up because we use so much water for growing crops and industrial processes. Experts are predicting wars over water in the coming years.

7.   Climate Change - Whether you think humans are responsible, or whether you think it’s naturally occurring, climate change is here and it’s causing megadroughts and straining our crumbling infrastructure. It will only make the other problems worse.

8.   Biodiversity Loss - Species (especially pollinators) are going extinct faster than they did during previous mass extinction events. If this continues, it will cause food webs to collapse and make it even harder for us to feed our growing population.

9.   Migrant Crisis - If you think the border crisis is bad now, just wait. The UN believes there will be hundreds of millions of migrants in the coming decades. This alone could cause enough chaos to make society collapse.

10.     Increasing Conflict - As the world runs out of resources, countries will go to war with each other, fighting over what remains. This is a big reason Russia invaded Ukraine, for its rich natural resources. That war is just a preview of what’s to come.

The global elites understand that civilization is collapsing, but they’re trying to keep the party going for as long as possible by having central banks print money and making governments go further into debt.

They’ve been keeping the whole economic system on life support for a good 15 years now. But the longer they put off the collapse, the worse it will be. At this point, the coming economic crash will probably make the crash of 1929 look like a mere hiccup.

How Long Do We Have?

As I said, civilization is already collapsing. However, there will be a tipping point where the global population stops growing and starts declining fairly rapidly.

Based on everything I’ve learned about how many resources we have left (fossil fuels, fertilizer, productive land, freshwater, etc.), I believe this tipping point will happen by the end of the decade and that by 2030, we will be in the midst of a second Great Depression.

But unlike the first Great Depression, which ended with an economic boom, this one will keep getting worse and worse. In all likelihood, billions of people will die over the next couple of decades, mostly due to starvation and violence.

I don’t make this claim lightly. I have two small children, and I have literally wept over how difficult their lives are going to be, assuming they survive.

It’s Up to Us to Save the Human Race

I know how cheesy that sounds, but I’m serious. As society collapses, all the modern comforts we take for granted will become fond memories. We won’t have fresh tap water, grocery stores full of food, or 24/7 electricity.

Instead, communities will have to work together to collect and purify water, grow and preserve food, and generate electricity for lights and gadgets. That means people will be looking to us—preppers and homesteaders—for guidance.

Most people don’t know the first thing about urban survival or homesteading, so the more preppers and homesteaders there are, the greater the chance that we can rebuild society.

If we’re successful, then later this century, people will be living much like pioneers did in the early 1800s. If we’re unsuccessful, the human race will likely go extinct.

Why I Created Collapse Survival Site

As I said, I was going to start posting articles about societal collapse on Urban Survival Site, but I decided that would be unfair to long-time subscribers who like Urban Survival Site but don’t agree with my ideas on collapse.

I will continue to update Urban Survival Site (and Homestead Survival Site) with new articles every week, but I will also publish three new articles a week on Collapse Survival Site, one of which is a newsletter on signs the collapse is happening right now.

If that sounds interesting to you, please check out the new site and subscribe to the newsletter




Emergency Preparedness For People With Disabilities

The sirens were going off in the background as sweat dripped from my head. My muscles were in overdrive trying to transfer my sister from her bed to her motorized wheelchair. My heart was pounding through my chest and my mind was on one singular thought, we needed to get out of here now!

A huge sigh of relief escaped my chest as I finally got her in her chair and situated. However, that relief was short-lived because the wheelchair wouldn’t turn on. Quickly, my eyes scanned all around the chair trying to find out what was wrong but I knew nothing of how this hunk of metal, plastic, and wires worked. After a few moments of failed attempts, I collapsed to the floor and hung my head.

I didn’t know what to do, we were done.

The above scenario is just one example of many thoughts I have had about emergencies and people with disabilities. Preparing for disasters or emergencies under normal circumstances is challenging enough, doing so when a member of your group has a disability may seem unimaginable...

Emergency Preparedness For People With Disabilities


The Benefits of a Household Stockpile

If you think building a household stockpile is not worth your time or money, think again and consider these benefits. Even if only a few apply to you, you’ll find it is likely worth it to build your own.


A good resource for getting prepared is It has information for all types of disasters.

And here are a few we have on the Dollar Stretcher:

·         Basic Emergency Preparedness on a Budget

·         Cheap Emergency Foods We Often Overlook


3 Signs an Economic Collapse is Imminent

Imagine you're forced to eat out of the trash…

After your home is taken from you. Because you lost every cent you had when our economy failed.  

Or how your family will hate you…

Because unless you act now, it could soon be your future. 

Click Here to Discover ‘3 Signs an Economic Collapse is Imminent’ <<


Power Grid Down and So Is Your Heat? No More! 

VESTA! The FIRST Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove combo.


·         HEAT AND COOK indoors!

·         Use up to three canned heat units at the same time. 

·         SAFE to use INDOORS when used with InstaFire 6-Hour Canned Heat Plus!*

·         Weighs only 7.6 pounds! Easy to transport.

·         Measures 11" L x 7.5" W x 5.25" H when used as a stove.

·         Measures 11" L x 7.5" W x 10.75" H when used as a heater.

·         Won’t reveal your LOCATION!

·         Space heater indoors warms up 200 square feet!



Natural disasters don't wait for a convenient time

And you shouldn't wait to prepare either. In some cases there is little to no warning.

Prepare now to lessen the impact of disasters and emergencies


Remember:  You can’t buy life insurance after you’re dead!


Super Emergency Survival Kit

  •  Solar phone charger
  • 72-hour 4Patriot emergency food pack [25 year shelf life
  • 4Patriot Greens sample pack [Power supplement]
  • 3 Luna Nutrition bars [assorted]+Sunmaid raisin pouch
  • Cleaning Wipe Pack
  • Steel River Emergency Tent
  • Mini  First Aid kit
  • TRS 5N1 EDC folding tool
  • 3-package meal sampler
  • Paracord bracelet w/ compass
  • Reusable Face Mask
  • Personal Water Filter Straw
  • 11-Piece Emergency Survival Kit 

And more…


Useful Resources from our storefront-See new items!

You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…

A portion of our proceeds is donated to charitable Veterans groups such as Wounded Warriors & the VFW!


Support our efforts by shopping my storefront…





Dan said...

Sadly, both parties have failed America & we're going to pay the price.

Tony said...

Very interesting & timely-all the best to you!

Brian said...

Everything seems headed for the dumpster thanks to the idiot in the White House!