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Friday, January 20, 2012

We don't need another election, We need another revolution T-Shirt

Get your own politically incorrect protest T-Shirt Now!

--George Carlin

Voting for Either Party has been Dangerous to Your Pocketbook

The election circus is in town again.  Are the ringmasters pulling your strings?

We have all been lied to. For decades, the leaders of both major political parties have promised us that they can fix our country.  The sad truth, nothing has changed much during the past 30 years except that our nation is bankrupt, good paying jobs are vanishing and the middle class is fading away.

Most Americans are scratching and clawing and doing whatever they can to make a living these days…but they’ll continue to re-elect the same wolves. Voting and elections only change the temporary managers, but do not touch the core of the problem. This is not choice.

Elections and the Illusion of Choice

About 85% of elected politicians get reelected.  This means the same foxes are guarding the henhouse and nothing ever changes. Voting for either party during the past 30 years or so, has proven itself dangerous to the country and particularly, to the middle class.

Are you one of those who believe our politicians know exactly what they are doing and they have a plan for getting U.S. debt under control?

For some reason though, the American people keep sending the same big spenders back to Washington D.C. over and over and over.   During this time of financial upheaval for the middle class, when is the last time you’ve heard of any DC politician offering to give up a portion of their pay or gold plated perks?

Are you fed up enough yet?

Show your disapproval with a do-nothing Congress and President for the coming election by wearing this T-Shirt which sums it up best.

Order your shirt today.  100% cotton - only the color white and size large is currently available and price includes shipping. 

BONUS:  Optional value worth $29.95 - sign up for your free twice weekly online subscription to our Poor Man Survival newsletter and get four PDF reports automatically including How to Survive the Coming Economic Crash, a resource-filled 125-page report.  NOTE:  If you’re already a subscriber, we’ll include a little extra bonus.

Order here using PayPal

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