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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why men don't understand women, Save $200, Work from home...

Bruce’s Poor Man Survival Bulletin

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

For Independent Minded People!

ISSN 2161-5543

In This Issue:

1.       Advantages of working from home

2.      Save $200 with a few simple steps

3.      Why men don’t understand women-Organize your life

4.      2013-Are your preparedness goals in place?

"The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head.
Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights."

-- H. L. Mencken


The Advantages of working from home- benefits to consider!

1. Less commuting.

This is the most obvious cost savings, but boy does all the gas money add up!

Calculate how much money you spend on gas. What are the current gas prices in your area? How many miles do you get per gallon? How far is work? How many trips do you take per month? You might be surprised by how much money you’re spending on your way to and from work.

You’ll also save money by having fewer vehicle repairs. In fact, you might be able to get rid of a car entirely and save even more money on insurance!

2. Less eating out.

When I had my day job, I would eat out on a regular basis. Bagged lunches were seldom seen, and unhealthy fast food was the norm.

Working from home, you’ll find that you’ll be less tempted to go out for a meal. It takes extra effort to get ready, get in the car, and head to your favorite restaurant. Why do so when you have a refrigerator full of food?

Eating out can be a very expensive habit, and working from home can help you break it.

3. No more daycare.

Having a work-from-home job also allows you to be with your children instead of sending them to daycare – and that, can save you a bundle.

Don’t worry too much about not being able to focus on your work. School-aged children will be in class most of the day unless you’re choosing to homeschool them. If having children home while you’re trying to get work done becomes a bit overwhelming, try working early in the morning or late at night while your little ones are asleep.

Bottom line- No more daycare means more money in your pocket.

4. You’ll have more work time.

When I rise in the morning, ta-da! I’m already at work!

Think about how much time you spend getting ready for your job, going to work, taking 15-minute breaks, taking a lunch or dinner break, and then driving home. All of that can easily turn into a couple of hours per day!

Working from home enables you to choose the length of your breaks and become a little more productive than waiting in the back room for your break to end. In addition, you could choose to have a “working lunch break” where you do some lighter work tasks such as reading.

5. No more expensive work clothing.

Depending on your job, you might feel the need to buy work clothing on a regular basis. No more! Feel free to wear whatever you want at your work-at-home job.

6. You’ll be able to find more residual income.

Too many jobs limit your potential for income. Some pay you by the hour, others pay you by the task. Instead of working once to get paid once, find ways to work once and get paid again and again – well into the future. Aim for residual income.

An example of residual income comes from professional blogging. With every article a professional blogger writes, they forever have (or at least until they take down the website) the potential to make advertising revenue from their article. They can actually make money while they sleep!

Working from home saves you potentially lost income by freeing up your time and giving you more room find residual income opportunities.

7. You’ll be better organized and on top of things.

Being away from home means less time organizing, paying your bills, keeping up with housework, making a budget, and so much more. But when you’re working at home, you can make sure you’re living up to your household responsibilities – and that can save your family a lot of money. Have you seen what housecleaners make these days? And who knows, you might use some of your extra time to find ways to cut your expenses!


Final Thoughts

As you can see, working from home will directly and indirectly save you money. In fact, you might find yourself making more money working from home than at your old job!

There are plenty of real companies that will pay you to work from home. There are also a lot of legitimate home-based business ideas you can use to get started.

Working from home isn’t for everyone, and you’ll certainly encounter some obstacles and challenges (just like at your day job). But for a growing number of people, working from home is just the ticket to a happier and more productive life.

 Go to the BootStrapBiz section of our site to find more

Could you go a whole month without any discretionary spending?
read more here

PM’s Compendium of Useful Resources

Want to save up to $200 a year in a few simple steps?

The government says the average U.S. household spends close to $2,000 on energy costs every year. Up to 10% of that bill is paying for appliances and gadgets that are left plugged in when not in use.

Energy provider First Energy says the average home uses 24 electrical products. The simplest step is to just turn them off when not in use. Use a power strip as central turning off point when you are done using equipment. That way it’s easy to check what’s still plugged in.

Charging the batteries for phones, computers and other devices takes a lot of juice as well. Unplug those chargers when they are not in use.

Set your computer to go into “sleep mode” after a period of inactivity. That way you won’t accidentally walk off and leave it running for hours. A screen saver is not the same as “sleep mode.” If your computer, TV or printer offers power management features, use them. It’s worth the effort. According to the Department of Energy, a cable box with a DVR that’s left on all the time can cost you almost $45 extra a year. Making sure your computer is off or in sleep mode can put $100 back in your pocket.

Video game consoles are another power sucker, so make sure they are turned off when not in use. If might take a little longer to get that game of “Halo” going, but think of all the nice stuff you can buy with a couple of hundred extra dollars in your pocket.

When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income

You can control your financial situation if you plan carefully.

Communicate with your family. Together, analyze what is important and decide on a plan of action.

Examine your expenditures. Be prepared to change your standard of living, at least temporarily, so you don’t have to give up essentials…


Cheap dates and family activities
read more here



Why men don’t understand women…

No wonder men find women difficult to understand.  The newly cracked genetic code of the female X chromosome shows that females are far more genetically ‘variable’ and more complex than men.  The journal of Nature reports each woman is the product of about twice as many genetic instructions as any man…literally every one of the females we looked at had a different genetic story, researches at Duke University reported.

Women have not one genome, but two – both male and female!

 Novel ‘Romance in a Can’-Order now for Valentine’s Day



Organize Your Life
2013 can be the year you finally conquer the clutter. Wouldn't it feel great to clear out the junk drawer, sort through the silverware and line up the linen closet? Get inspired to streamline your space today!


Home remedies for common winter ailments
read more here



A single pitch whistle can cause a running rabbit to freeze in place, making him an easier target.



The Nanny State Updates Americans are fat n happy while their rights are trampled!


Why does a civilian police department need grenade launchers? 


Police State. (noun) - A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population.


Your tax dollars funding militarization of police…

Metro Atlanta police departments and sheriff’s offices have recently acquired some new toys which include armored trucks, grenade launchers, and personnel carriers. According to the Georgia Department of Public Safety, $200 million in military equipment and weapons are owned by 600 Georgia law enforcement agencies. This military grade equipment has some people concerned as to why local law enforcement agencies are so heavily armed.


Watch this video about how cops contaminate innocent vehicles with marijuana residue, then read this article about how the same police force just stole $1.5 million from a grandmother at a traffic stop in Collinsville:


Solutions – Go here:



Looks like home invaders
have a new "attack trick"...

They're now conducting what can be called "tactical ambushes"
using STROBE LIGHTS to break into your home and disorient you.

If you've ever been on a dance floor (or inside a "fun house" at
the carnival) you know that rapidly blinking strobe lights make
movement choppy and "weird".

In other words, your eyes and brain can't process fluid movement
because of the rapid alternating between light and dark.

In fact, strobe lights are so traumatizing to the brain that
prolonged exposure can cause nausea and even seizures.

Solutions – Go here:


Three most important words to remember when being interrogated:  I don’t know!

The Parting Thought-

Millions of Americans are fed up with the dire economic conditions created by our elected officials.

“I would love to have a face-to-face with Ben Bernanke,” explains Barbara Brandau in a recent interview, “and I would love to ask him . . . why are you sacrificing us?”

Barbara, a housewife from Minnesota, was hoping to retire comfortably. But the low interest-rate environment, new Obama taxes, lousy job market, etc.  have made that more than difficult.


2013 is while underway so, what are your preparedness goals going to be?
Now is as good as time as any to analyze your needs and wants as a family. That’s why United States Civil Defense/Constitutional Sheriffs Posse has prepared this easy to use preparedness sheet.
Many people don’t even know where to begin when it comes to preparedness. Use this sheet to help you know where you can begin.
Gather Information
The first thing you’ll want to do is assess your risks. For example, if you live on the east coast hurricanes would be a threat. If you live on the west coast earthquakes would be some thing you’ll need to deal with. If you live in the Midwest, tornadoes might be your biggest threat.
If you’re not sure what to prepare for in your area, contact or your local USCDA chapter or your community’s emergency management team.
This is also a great time to ask you’re your city, county, work place if they have an emergency plan or your children’s schools and daycares.
Make a Plan
Once you’ve figured out what you’re planning for, begin to make a plan of how you’ll be prepared. The best thing you can do is discuss these issues with family members, USCDA chapter and friends. In order to help children know what to do during a disaster, talk about it and practice.
Have an evacuation plan in place to get out of your home in case of a disaster like a fire. Also plan how you would leave the city if there were a community-wide evacuation like a wildfire or hurricane warning or community wide looting.
This is the time when you should also prepare by assessing how much food and water you’ll need.
Collect and Prepare
Now is the time to execute your plan. Begin to collect the non-perishable foods you’ll need. Gather supplies for your emergency gear, 72-hour kit, water containers, etc. Based on what you’ve planned, your needs will be unique.
It’s important to prepare but don’t run faster than your legs can carry you. Pace yourself and take the list one step at a time.
For all your emergency preparedness needs go to:
For more information on emergency preparedness go to:

“Until the next revolution”, the Poor Man


Stealing acorns from a blind squirrel, how I describe Congress & what it’s done to the middle Class!

The Poor Man offers one of the most useful collections of survival resources ever created.

The Essential Urban Survival Collection

After years of research and work we’ve narrowed it down and compiled the best into ONE easy CD ROM. PLUS we’re including a personal mini-survival kit with each order ($12.95 value) while supplies last and a subscription to our twice-weekly online newsletter (that includes more bonus reports upon subscribing including How to Survive the Coming Collapse – a $19.95 value.

Check it out:


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1 comment:

Mion said...

As usual, you are insightful and helpful!!!