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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The federal government – sort of – supports prepping+Valuable Freebies


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources



The federal government – sort of – supports prepping?


Did you know that the federal government, led by FEMA, encourages people to stockpile? FEMA’s website contains a host of information on how to prepare for a pending disaster, and radio commercials promote the idea, too. In fact, the government even has a list of 12 foods it suggests people stockpile. So, what’s on the list, and is it sufficient?


FEMA’s website contains a host of information on how to prepare for a pending disaster, and radio commercials promote the idea, too. While not the best information in the world, it’s a good starting point for the novice prepper.

Of course, many if not most preppers don’t pay much attention to the FEMA website. Part of that could be because few of us trust the government all that much. But a much bigger part is that the government’s idea of prepping really doesn’t go far enough.

Let’s take a look at the list of Suggested Emergency Food Supplies that FEMA has on their website:

1.     Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables and a can opener

2.     Protein or fruit bars

3.     Dry cereal or granola

4.     Peanut butter

5.     Dried fruit

6.     Nuts

7.     Crackers

8.     Canned juices

9.     Non-perishable pasteurized milk

10.  Vitamins

11.  Food for infants

12.  Comfort/stress foods

That’s it — a dozen things. While all of those are good choices, there’s no way that I would consider them enough. But then, I take a much different view of survival than what FEMA is promoting.

So when FEMA talks about stockpiling food, they only talk about stockpiling three days of it. That’s probably where the idea of a bug-out bag only having three days of food originates. Personally, I don’t feel that three days is anywhere near enough, especially since I have no intention of ending up in a FEMA camp, waiting for the government to decide to let me go.

There were people digging in dumpsters, looking for food, six weeks after both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy (which occurred in Republican and Democratic administrations). That doesn’t give me a whole lot of faith in FEMA’s abilities. But I’m also concerned that whatever FEMA gives out, comes with a price. The price of government meddling in our lives. That’s a much higher price than paying for my own food, to build a descent stockpile.

Let’s go back to that list for a minute. While the foods contained in it are all good choices for a survival situation, there really isn’t enough there to create actual meals, unless you stockpile canned goods that can be put together to make a meal. While that is possible, it’s not anyone’s first choice. Canned foods do provide nutrition, but they are severely lacking in flavor.

If all you’re talking about is surviving three days, that’s not really an issue. You can live on peanut butter crackers and dried fruit for three days. For that matter, you can live without it for three days, just about as well. But you can’t simply buy more of the foods mentioned on this list and expect to have a three- or six-month stockpile. You’ll have to add other foods to it. I’m not going to talk about what other foods you should stockpile, as I’ve written other articles about it. Try this article or this one for more information.

Another problem with the list is that not all of these foods will store for a prolonged period of time, without rotating your stock. While some, like canned goods will last a long time, there are other things, like breakfast cereal and crackers, which will quickly become stale and unpalatable.

FEMA also suggests that you “choose foods your family will eat.” While that may seem to make sense, most of our families aren’t going to go for a healthy diet of survival food; they’re going to want something tasty. In other words, they’re going to want the same sorts of junk food that they’re used to eating. That doesn’t work, and it’s actually totally contradictory to the list of foods they’ve put together.

I prefer to say, “Figure out how to make the foods you are going to have to stockpile for survival palatable for your family.” This requires figuring out how to take the foods that you stockpile and adapting their flavor to meet your family’s tastes. While not easy, this is actually possible. All you need is a stock of the right spices, plenty of salt and maybe a few sauces, like spaghetti sauce.

You’ll have to do some experimenting to find ways of preparing the survival foods you’re going to stockpile in ways that will be palatable to your family. Take the time to make up some recipes, and make a small batch and test it on your family. If it doesn’t work, try modifying. That usually means adding more spices to give it more flavor.

I stockpile plenty of spaghetti sauce and cream of mushroom soup, as well as the spices used in making my own spaghetti sauce, so that I can restock from tomatoes I grow in my garden.

So, yes, the FEMA list contains a few items that should be in any stockpile. Just don’t stop there.

Preparing for a financial crash could be the hardest thing to plan for because so many things that we all depend upon will be gone. The infrastructure will probably fall apart. There might even be a general collapse of society.

That's what happened in Argentina. The financial collapse ended up causing a general social collapse. Mob violence became the norm. Vandalism and looting were happening all around.

People who weren't prepared were the hardest hit. Even those who were prepared had a hard time, but at least they had something to fall back on; they had food and water stored for an emergency.

While the collapse will be a horrible event that may even destroy this country. It doesn't have to destroy your life. By preparing now to live without the help of the infrastructure that we now depend on, you can be ready when the collapse happens.

That's the true key to prepping. It's not just about stockpiling food, water and supplies. It's learning how to live independently. More than anything, it's learning how to do things in other ways so that you don't need society as it is now to survive.

Any food stockpile will run out eventually. In order to be ready to face the financial crash, you need more than just a stash of food. You need to be able to produce you own food as well. After all, how many of us can actually stockpile three or more years of food?

What do you think of FEMA’s tips and list? Share your thoughts in the section below:

Source:  Off The Grid News


Yours for a productive 2017,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’



Additional Resources

Quick intro to homesteading:

All states participating:

The Anatomy of a Breakdown

The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster

Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival

DIY-Homemade wood stove


FREE-A valuable gift from the Poor Man [feel free to share these PDF files]

The Poor Man’s Essential Survival Package

--The Doctors Protocol: Secrets of Survival

--How to Survive the Coming Economic Collapse

--Guide to Self Reliant Living

--Becoming Self Sufficient for Six Months

--How I Found Freedom in an Un-free World

Download here:



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Dan Paul said...

Thanks for all the free resources-better than most!

DAR said...

Two thumbs up as always!

RandyMan said...

Mighty sweet!