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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

If Biden/Socialists Get Elected-Hard Times Ahead


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…


ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Buy Lots Of Food And Store It Some Place Safe, Because Very Difficult Times Are Approaching


I’m just going to be very blunt with you.  Things have already gotten quite crazy, but they are going to get even crazier.  Global food supplies have already gotten tight, but they are going to get even tighter.

  When even the UN starts using the word Biblical to describe the famine that the world is facing, that is a sign that the hour is very late.  Thankfully, we are not facing famine in the short-term here in the United States, but “temporary shortages” of certain items have already been popping up, and food prices are aggressively shooting higher.  Earlier today my wife stopped by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things, and one particular item that used to cost about 12 dollars was now 20 dollars instead. 

But thanks to the Federal Reserve, this is about as low as food prices are going to get.  The Fed seems absolutely determined to crank up inflation, and that is going to have very serious implications during the times that are ahead.  Right now we have a window of opportunity before the next wave of trouble comes along, and I would greatly encourage you to use this window of opportunity to buy lots of food and store it some place safe.

Some people seem to think that if they have stored up a couple months worth of food that they will be just fine.

Unfortunately, that is not the reality of what we are facing.  The truth is that you should have enough food to feed every single person in your household for an extended period of time, and many of you will need much more than that.  Because when things get really crazy, many of the friends, neighbors and extended family members that neglected to prepare will come knocking on your door asking for help.

There are some people that would turn away those friends, neighbors and extended family members, but I couldn’t do that.  Yes, they are at fault for refusing to get prepared, but I just couldn’t turn them out into the street.

If you also plan to assist those around you that are in need, that just makes your job even bigger.  In the end, there is a limit to what any of us can do, and so we will do what we can with what we have and we will leave the rest to God.

The overwhelming demand that we are witnessing at food banks around the nation right now gives us some clues about what we can expect as economic conditions get even worse.  In Alameda County, vehicles are lining up as early as 7am just to get a little bit of food from the local food banks…

“They start lining up as early as seven in the morning and this will run for six straight hours” said Altfest.

Hundreds of cars slowly snake their way through the parking lot across from the Acura dealership on Interstate 880. Folks from all walks of life driving everything from Toyota’s, BMW’s, to Mercedes, all coming to get food. Folks are grateful for the charity.

When I read that quote from a local CBS news report, it struck me that it sounded almost exactly like what Heidi Baker said when she saw people waiting in line to get food…

And I saw all these people and they had beautiful cars, 4 by 4’s and Lexus, Mercedez, BMW’s, Toyotas. There they were with fancy shiny cars, but they were standing in line.

On the east coast we are seeing similar things happen.

In fact, there was a quarter-mile line at the break of dawn at a food bank in Queens on Saturday

The line stretched a quarter-mile before the sun was barely up Saturday, snaking around corners like bread lines in the 1930s. But the hungry in Queens are today’s New Yorkers, left jobless by the coronavirus.

Until the pandemic struck the city, La Jornada food pantry used to hand out groceries to roughly 1,000 families a week. Now, the figure tops 10,000. And volunteers serve lunch every day to 1,000 — many of them kids with growling stomachs. Across the five boroughs, the hungry number in the hundreds of thousands, the Food Bank of New York estimates.

I found it quite interesting that the New York Post is comparing what is happening now to the “bread lines in the 1930s”.

This is the reality of what we are facing people.  So many people are already in desperate need, and this “perfect storm” is just getting started.

In the Richmond, Virginia area things are even worse.  According to one recent report, vehicles have been lining up at one food bank “as early as six hours” before it opens…

Every Friday, cars line up as early as six hours before the food bank on Iron Bridge Road opens the drive-thru. At noon, the first 20 cars or so are allowed to park in the parking lot where they wait another three hours. Once 3 p.m. hits, the operation begins with a slew of volunteers working in the warehouse to fill grocery carts with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, prepared foods and nonperishable items.

Can you imagine sitting in your vehicle for six hours waiting for a food bank to open?

This is how desperate some people in America have already become.

And as I noted at the beginning of this article, the United Nations is using the word “biblical” to describe the famine and starvation that are coming all around the world.  The following comes from CNBC

Famines of “biblical proportions” are becoming a serious risk as the coronavirus crisis threatens to double the number of people nearing starvation, a U.N. body has warned.

In projections released Tuesday, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) predicted that the number of people facing “acute food insecurity” stood to rise to 265 million by the end of this year, up from 135 million in 2019.

I don’t know about you, but I find that warning to be quite sobering.

In a “worst-case scenario”, the UN projects that …nearly one-tenth of the world won’t have enough to eat.

Initial United Nations forecasts show that in a worst-case scenario, about a tenth of the world’s population won’t have enough to eat this year. The impact will go beyond just hunger as millions more are also likely to experience other forms of food insecurity, including not being able to afford healthy diets, which can lead to malnutrition and obesity.

Sadly, even though we have already seen so many crazy things happen in 2020, most Americans are still not prepping.

And so when things really start to unravel in a major way, most of them are going to be short on food and supplies very rapidly.

The other day I was interviewed by Dr. Steve Greene, and we discussed some of the reasons why the troubles that we have experienced so far are just the tip of the iceberg.

So much more is coming, but most people don’t want to hear that.

Most Americans still want to believe that the future is going to be just wonderful, and so they see absolutely no need to prepare for the chaotic times that are approaching.

***Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on***


You can have all the survival food in the world…

But, if you don’t have a way to cook it, you’re up the creek without a paddle.

This is why I have multiple ways to cook my family’s food storage in the event the grid is down and there’s no power.

I want to share these ways with you today, so you too can have plenty of backup options.

The first and easiest way to cook your survival food is using a propane stove.

I actually own three propane camp stoves.

I own the Coleman Single-Burner propane stove that is lightweight and easy to carry around.

I own a Stansport propane stove, which is still relatively portable.

And then I own one of the large Camp Chef stoves that weighs a million pounds.

Of course, I have plenty of propane too, both the 20-gallon tanks and small green canisters.

The next way I cook my survival food is over a fire.

I have a portable fire pit with grate in my backyard.

I can throw some logs on the fire and boil water, cook food, and whatever else I need to do.

The fire pit didn’t cost that much, only about $60 at Home Depot.

And finally, I have generators.

I have a solar generator.

A propane generator.

And a gas generator.

I have an electric “hot plate stove” that my generators can easily power.

I just plug the hot plate into my generator and can cook food as if I had normal electricity.

So, there you have it…

Plenty of ways to cook your survival food when the lights go out.





There Are Still Some Shortages of Flour At The Grocery Store, But Your Pantry May Have Some Flours You Simply Haven’t Seen.

 An old pioneer method for making flour was to use a hand-cranked flour mill to grind wheat grains into flour. That works. But a flour mill can turn lots of things into flour, from beans or rice to acorns and amaranth seeds.

 And you don’t need a flour mill to do it. A food processor can convert a lot of things into dust, from corn flakes to chickpeas. That’s essentially what defines any flour—something pulverized to dust...

How to Make Flour from Beans, Nuts, Seeds and Even Corn Flakes

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Ever since the great financial crisis of 2008, the big question has been: What will the ultimate outcome be from all this money printing and Fed interventionism? Will it be another deflationary collapse — or an inflationary storm?

Some 12 years later… we finally have our answer… it will be an inflationary storm.

Last week, the Fed announced that:

  • It is changing its inflationary target from 2% to an average of 2% (meaning inflation could overshoot to the upside).
  • It was comfortable with inflation going as high as 3% as long as it does so at a manageable rate.

Remember, this is the Fed we are talking about, not some gold bug. So, the mere fact that the Fed is even suggesting that it is OK with higher rates of inflation has systemic implications.

  • When asked about the spread of misinformation, 83% of respondents said it is a major problem in today’s society.

Read more about how Americans feel about data and elections here and COVID-19 here.


Hackers linked to the Communist regime in China are once again targeting American military and security networks, according to a warning from the National Security Agency this week.

The warning comes just weeks ahead of Election Day which will either see President Donald Trump, who has been harder on China than any U.S. president in decades, reelected, or replaced by former Vice President Joe Biden, someone widely viewed as being too soft on Beijing because he and his son are financially compromised by the regime there.

See the full story here. the best and worst tactical lights for your survival rifle. See the video at

Our phones are extremely important in a crisis.

They hold information and special functions that are essential for survival.

Essential information like important contacts, incoming public alerts, and they give us online access to survival strategies and life-saving techniques.

Your phone also has special functions like digital compasses, levels, and even the tiny flashlight that can be the difference between life or death in a crisis.

Your phone is that important, and should not be overlooked as an essential survival device.

THE MAJOR PROBLEM: Your phone’s power fails quicker than any survival tool you own.

THE SOLUTION: Fortunately, when you grab this "forever charger," your phone will always be charged…available at our storefront!



NEW! Home Circuit Power Saving Device-Save 30—90% on Your Electric Bill.

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Easy-to-use---No Maintenance Provides or a more stable environment for your household electrical grid…invented in Germany


Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom!


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You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead

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That's Bad News...

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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production


Pam said...

W/ the approval vote of our new Supreme Court judge, I breathe slightly easier but we all know Dem-Socialists play dirty.

Matt said...

Got your book & Start a Prepper Group Guide-a big sure looks like it will come in handy!

Rich said...

Globalists Bloomberg, Soros & other left wing rich jerks are trying to over throw Trump AND America-we must stop them!

Mark said...

Heard you were preparing a socialist takeover guide-can't wait!