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Monday, June 7, 2021

Growing vegetables in a garden are great ways to achieve food independence


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources



Establishing a seed vault and growing vegetables in a garden are great ways to achieve food independence… and be guaranteed of healthy, nutritious and good-tasting food forever, regardless of what disasters we might face in the future.

But planting, growing, harvesting, cleaning and storing are not the only activities that you can engage in with seeds. You can also eat some of them as they are — in the form of a snack or a light meal. Many taste good and are very good for you. In fact, they are often much healthier for you than other foods that will give you a lot more unwanted calories.

Most edible seeds are filled with the things you need, including vitamins and minerals, protein and fiber. Some of them also include an element that helps lower cholesterol called phytosterols. An important thing to keep in mind, however, is that even though there are many ways to eat them, including baking and toasting, the way to achieve the greatest positive effect from them is by eating them raw.

Following are 10 seeds that you can eat right out of the bag just about any time you're hungry.

Pomegranate seeds

If you open up a pomegranate, you're likely to find somewhere in the vicinity of 600 seeds. They are high in vitamins and fiber, and they may be helpful in preventing cancer and promoting heart health. Because they are low in calories, they can aid in managing one's weight.

As far as their vitamin content is concerned, the vitamin C is helpful for the immune system, healing wounds and iron absorption, while vitamin K is a factor in keeping your bones strong and healthy, in addition to proper blood clotting.

Flax seeds

Studies are showing that flax seeds might help fight heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, depression and a variety of cancers, including breast, colon, prostate and skin. Needless to say, many people are interested in them.

Contained in flax seeds are heart-healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans with plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities, and both soluble and insoluble fiber. They can also be added to breads, muffins and cookies.

Sesame seeds

When you eat a big burger from a fast food joint, the sesame seeds on the bun may be the only part of the sandwich that's actually good for you. They're small; but they pack a punch when it comes to iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium.

Some folks aren't crazy about munching on something so tiny, so they make hummus from ground sesame seeds, which includes a delicious paste called tahini to spread on flatbreads and pitas.

The Survival Garden You Need to Start Today

What if I told you about a garden that needs no digging, no watering and no weeding AND can grow in the most extreme places on earth?

This type of "food forest" grows on auto-pilot with minimal energy because it mimics how nature works. No one is watering the woods, yet every plants has managed to survive for thousands of years there.

Start your very own survival garden that's 100% concealed from prying eyes and stay well-fed in case of any kind of long-term disaster...

Chia seeds

Containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and fiber, chia seeds are basically tasteless, which means you can add them to foods or beverages without changing the taste. In fact, they digest better when added to liquids, as they turn gelatinous.

When you bake with chia seeds, you can use them as a replacement for about one-quarter of the fat, oil and eggs you would normally use. But first, soak them in water and let them sit for about 15 minutes.

Sunflower seeds

The most natural way to build more of one of your body's primary antioxidants is eating foods high in glycine and cysteine, which you get from meat, but you can also get glycine and cysteine from sunflower seeds. They also provide the most active form of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, which protects your cells. They are also a good source for the antidepressant phenylalanine, which serves to keep people focused and alert. You can use sunflower seed butter to replace peanut butter on occasion.

Papaya seeds

Two fatty acids that are thought to help stymie cancer, oleic and palmitic, are prominent in papaya seeds, which are also said to detoxify the liver. In addition to snacking on them, you can grind them up and sprinkle them on salads and other foods.

Some people are not thrilled with the mustard or black peppercorn taste when eaten raw, but find them more palatable when ground up and mixed in with lime juice. These seeds are said to aid in ridding the body of parasites, treating liver cirrhosis and combatting food poisoning.

Grape seeds

These seeds are packed with vitamin E, plus flavonoids, linoleic acid and polyphenols. The extract from grape seeds is said to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, thus reducing the chance of heart disease, and could kill some carcinoma cells.

Other benefits of consuming grape extract might be improving blood circulation, reducing the swelling that's caused by an injury and aiding with eye disease as it relates to diabetes.

Cumin seeds

Rich in iron, cumin seeds are frequently used for digestive disorders. They also boost the power of the liver and are used to help battle the common cold. In juice form, cumin can relieve sore throats and serve as a general tonic for the body.

Cumin seeds can also make your metabolism more efficient by heating up the body. Helping your immune system, these seeds will be welcomed by your kidneys and liver. Black cumin seeds are said to treat asthma and arthritis.

Hemp seeds

Our bodies are incapable of producing muscle and protein on their own, but essential amino acids can. A provider of those acids is the plant protein known as hemp. Because they are rich in ALA, hemp seeds can help stave off heart disease.

These seeds are also known for their ability to boost the immune system. They add a considerable nutty flavor to foods such as yogurt, cereal, oatmeal and smoothies when sprinkled in.

Pumpkin seeds

The magnesium in pumpkin seeds is helpful in reducing stress, stabilizing blood pressure and building bone strength. They contain plenty of zinc, protein and iron; and their plant-based chemicals aid with issues including enlarged prostate and urinary problems.

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw, toasted or ground into a meal that can be added to pancakes, breads and other baked goods.

I encourage everyone who is able to acquire seeds and grow vegetables in a home garden. It's a great way to prepare for an uncertain future. But for more immediate gratification and as part of a healthy lifestyle, enjoy seeds right out of the bag as well.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®


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Every generation is skilled at using the technology of its era. For example, people today are very good at driving cars, using smartphones, setting up home entertainment systems, and so forth. The problem is, if the end of the world as we know it ever happens, all those skills will be useless. The skills of our forefathers, on the other hand, will never be useless. 

Below, we’ll take a look at 30 survival skills from our past that have mostly been forgotten today. If you want to be able to survive in a world where relying on technology isn’t an option, these skills are certainly worth learning.

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Beth said...

during the past few years I've purchased several 'survival seed' varieties; often stored in seal canisters or mylar bags. that's in addition to standard seed packets which I store in a ziploc bag in our freezer.

Sandy said...

There was a time in this country when everyone had a VICTORY GARDEN; too many would rather rely on food stamps & handouts today. Government cheese anyone?