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Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources



More and more Americans are viewing the nation’s foundational laws and principles not as a source of pride but as the root of its problems. Here is why this trend is dangerous.

The United States of America is an exceptional nation in world history. As no other nation, it has stood for limited government, separation of powers, rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, free-market economy, and other principles outlined in its founding document, the United States Constitution. These have contributed to making America incredibly free and prosperous, a magnet for immigrants from nations around the world, and an undeniably positive force in the world for most of its history.

More and more, however, these founding laws and principles are under attack. Key pillars of American history and identity are being vilified and destroyed. Educators are teaching oncoming generations that the enduring narrative about individual liberty and constitutional checks and balances are a mask for wealthy, white, European men to dominate. Such thinking has made its way into the highest levels of America’s government, to the point that, on many issues, politicians share the views of the nation’s worst enemies!

This trend is terribly dangerous. Contempt for America’s heritage is fueling a wholesale departure from it. Whereas the founders established the nation on biblical morality, this growing movement is amoral and a-religious. It is anti-history, anti-tradition, anti-authority and anti-law.

A breakdown in the rule of law is devastating to a nation. Our world is filled with nations where government simply does not enforce law and order, and as a result, criminality, corruption, bribery, thuggery and lawlessness are rife, as are the squalor and low standards of living that always accompany them. As America abandons the laws on which it was established, this is its future.

America’s Founding Fathers warned explicitly of this very problem.

To take just one example, President George Washington said in his first inaugural address, “The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality” (emphasis added throughout). In his famous farewell address, he said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

In 1954, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, “I believe the entire Bill of Rights came into being because of the knowledge our forefathers had of the Bible and their belief in it.”

The United States Constitution is the foundation of the American republic. And the Bible, in many ways, is the foundation of the United States Constitution. America’s founders believed their republic would collapse if they didn’t keep God’s Ten Commandments!

The rule of law is mighty difficult to establish. The majority of nations struggle to do so successfully. Those that do succeed, struggle to maintain it because forces of lawlessness are always on the attack.

Early immigrants to America knew what it meant to be deprived of freedom. Most came from the British Empire, perhaps the greatest and freest empire in world history. Yet even there, a government that derived its powers from the governors, not the governed, denied its citizens freedoms of religion, speech and assembly.

So American colonists formed their own local governments. Many statutes contained in these compacts, covenants, frames of government and capital laws derived from the Bible used the same phrases as the Bible and even cited biblical chapters and verses.

As historian Paul Johnson wrote, these God-fearing settlers “put political and religious freedom before riches” and seeded “an experiment designed to establish the rule of God on Earth.”

With these convictions, America’s founders dedicated themselves to an experiment in human freedom. If their only motivation had been to preserve their lives and their fortunes, they would not have launched the experiment that disrupted all those benefits. They were motivated by something greater: a belief that the natural rights of man were “eternal and immutable” because they came from man’s Creator.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ….”

Against all odds, the American Revolution was won. The infant nation replaced its failing first constitution with one that would last well over two centuries. The experiment continued, and the world watched. Could a nation still hold together if it rejected monarchy, aristocracy and empire? Could it be strong if it staked its existence upon the Bible’s influence on its individual citizens? Would the American experiment succeed—or explode?

[US schools seem to downplay the teaching of American history, the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.  This seems very apparent in light of recent school shootings where many are calling for further restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights without any thought of examining why these problems are taking place especially after centuries of nearly ZERO such occurrences].

Over two centuries have followed since the United States ratified its Constitution. During this period, America survived, then thrived, and then became the greatest nation in human history.

Rejecting the Constitution

America has not been without its problems. It can be fairly said that by many measures America has been the greatest nation in human history; however, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, that simply means that it is the worst nation in human history, except for all the others. Human activities have been a mixture of good intentions blended with selfishness and evil.

Well read in history, the founders themselves recognized that this was true. They were well acquainted with the dangers of human nature

That is why they emphasized the importance of religion and morality. They did not want to see the United States of America self-destruct. That is why they sought to create a government that could maintain necessary order while restraining the human nature within and the tendency toward tyranny by the governors.

In the Constitution, they established a system aimed at preserving for each person maximum responsibility for his own life and maximum freedom to serve God according to his convictions.

That system works wonderfully well for a people who govern themselves by the laws of God. However, it has also given people freedoms to exercise greed, materialism, lust, license and other immorality. Naturally, like every nation in history, America’s history has been strewn with imperfections, disappointments and evils. Historically, Americans have tended to attribute many or all of these problems to human failings to obey the natural laws established by their Creator. Today, however, many Americans think that the causes of these problems are America’s laws.

This hatred against America’s existing rule of law is not just an emotional reaction among anarchist rioters. It is also a strong ideology that has convicted the minds of reporters, entertainers, educators, schoolchildren, workers and even top members of the government itself.

This anti-law ideology now runs so deep that it has affected most and convicted many of America’s lawmakers, judges and executives. Many serve this ideology or their party more than their actual offices. Supreme Court justices, whose offices and powers exist because of certain clauses of the Constitution, argue that other clauses should be twisted or ignored. Members of Congress, who are responsible for representing the people, make laws that represent other interests. Presidents, whose office exists to enforce laws made by the legislature, refuse to enforce laws, and instead enforce ideas for which there are no laws.

This is a graver danger than most people realize.

The danger of Americans rejecting the Constitution is not simply that they disagree with its specific clauses. The danger is that they reject the concept of a supreme law of the land, a higher authority that everyone agrees to abide by and to change only according to that authority. Simply put: They reject the rule of law.

Shortly after the election of President Barack Obama in 2008, writer Gerald Flurry of the Philadelphia Trumpet intensified his warning about the radical assault on law in America. “History reveals that empires are destroyed if they fail to establish the rule of law,” he wrote in his November-December 2009 article “The War Against the U.S. Constitution.” “But the radical liberal culture often has contempt of history and our Founding Fathers. Its followers foolishly rely on their own reasoning, which is not grounded in foundational law. The Constitution is being altered dramatically. And it is the foundation of our republic! We are experiencing a constitutional earthquake, and most of our people don’t even know it—yet. Your future is being changed for you, and often you have no input. This process is sure to lead to anarchy!”

In 2013, Mr. Flurry showed how the real source of the trend toward lawlessness is spiritual—an evil spirit who is the most lawless being in the universe. Satan hates truth and law. He is working to cast truth to the ground, to convince people to break the rule of law and to replace it with the rule of brute force. The trend toward lawlessness is already tearing down the foundation of America’s republic.

The Consequences of Lawlessness

The American experiment has become dangerously volatile. In the early 21st century, Americans have added many untested and unstable elements to the mixture. They have dissolved the bonds that held together the Constitution and removed the “indispensable supports of religion and morality.”

The fatal mistake is not simply rejecting a document created centuries ago by brilliant and sincere men. It is something deeper. It is the reason the Trumpet watches this trend so closely and makes the bold forecast that the United States, the single most powerful nation in the world, will fall.

Americans have rejected not only the laws of their own land but, more importantly, the fundamental principles upon which these laws are based. These principles are inexorable natural laws given to us by the Creator

The Constitution gets some fundamental questions very correct. It does so to the degree that it operates in harmony with the foundational truths revealed by our Creator. Its authors helped to secure the blessings of liberty to their posterity not because of their brilliance but because of their humility before divine providence: the great Lawgiver and the Supreme Judge of the world.

This lawlessness will lead to anarchy and civil war, followed by America’s worst-ever military defeat!

This is where America’s trend toward lawlessness is leading. This is how the American experiment will end. It will confirm a lesson that has been proved time and again through human history—and that will endure forever


Special Offer for our Readers

 72-hour Emergency Meal kit that's being offered contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Homestyle Potato Soup and the stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit normally sells for $27, plus shipping and handling and is rated 4½ out of five stars by customers.

While supplies last, these kits are available for only $21.95 and that includes Priority Shipping [we were force to increase prices due to another round of USPS price hikes]. Go here for this deal:

Yours for smarter living,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’



Additional FREE Resources

How to Survive the War on the Middle Class

14 of the best reports I’ve assembled on protecting your freedom…Here is the download link.


Living Frugally In Suburbia
You live differently than your neighbors.



14 Frugal Food-Rescuing Tips from Grandma
These depression-era frugal tips still work today!


8 Simple Ways to Put More Money in Your Pocket
Have more money without working harder!


Other notes of interest…




Knowing When and How to Stockpile Groceries
Stocking up could save your grocery budget!


Tasty way to keep the brain sharp:

Oranges, grapefruit and clementines, in season now…and researchers reporting in the British Journal of Nutrition have found good reason to include one daily.  Those who consumed citrus fruit almost every day were 23% less likely to develop dementia over the six-year study compared with those who ate citrus twice a week or less often.

The antioxidant flavonoid compounds may protect brain cells from the inflammation linked to cognitive decline!


You Have a 16-Cylinder Brain-Learn How to Use it & Re-Awaken the Genius Inside You!


I know everyone is short on time in this hectic world so I’ve kept this PDF short and to the point with links to expert how-to articles and guides including:


·         How to Increase Your Intelligence

·         6 Step Brain Exercise Steve Jobs Used to Boost Creativity

·         6 Simple Habits to Boost Your Intelligence

·         The Best Vitamins to Increase Brain Function

·         How a Harvard Brain Specialist Keeps Her Brain Healthy

·         A Review of the Top 10 Brain [Limitless] Pills

·         How to Protect Your Cognitive Function



Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays & free reports that I provide annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.  You can make a donation at top of this page via PayPal.

Find survival related books here!

Support our efforts by shopping my storefront…



A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Would a Change in Law Change Behavior? More Gun Control-While Ignoring Causes and Cures.


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Would a Change in Law Change Behavior? More Gun Control-While Ignoring Causes and Cures.

Blaming the NRA is like saying GM or Smirnoff is responsible for drunk driving deaths…CNN and other left wing, anti-gun media drool over these incidents and the press in general have a policy “If it bleeds, it leads.”

   It has become a cliché in America.  After every gun shooting, the same players trot out the same failed arguments about why need more ‘gun control.’  They NEVER examine the root causes of why people conduct these horrific acts.  Instead, it is always the same ass-backward, senseless mantra-blame the gun, not the person.  Now they’re trotting out small-minded individuals who suggest boycotts of the NRA are the solution which is typical simian thinking.  The NRA had nothing to do with this or any other mass shooting.  Indeed, the group promotes responsible gun ownership and training.

We already have scads of gun laws in place but what we don’t have are enough safety checks for individuals either through schools or for families.  Other nations have automatic weapons in their homes but nearly zero gun related shootings.  Why is America so different?  It wasn’t always this way.  What has changed in our society and why do people think changing laws will change behavior?

They rarely air protests about opioids which kill more people or drunk driving which also kill more people and are almost always overlooked by much of lamestream media.  Their lack of logic baffles me.  After all, we don’t demand the ban of vehicles or the ban of doctors and pharmacies.

  Manipulated student protests are aired to a salivating press which has had an anti-gun bent for years.  But what exactly is ‘more gun control?”  Most of us know it is a code for a complete ban on all guns as they’ve done in Australia and the elimination of our Second Amendment [most high school students aren’t taught American history or the Bill of Rights at this point any longer so they probably don’t know what I’m referring to].

When I was growing up virtually every boy in our city owned a BB gun.  I spent summers at my Grandfathers’ cottage where my uncle, an avid hunter shot clay pigeon over the canal.  He let me shoot his 12 gauge once.  It promptly put me on my ass much to the amusement of everyone watching. He owned a lot of guns but I didn’t have to be told not to touch them.  It was the RULE!   When I joined the Boy Scouts, I owned a .22 rifle.  When I was 16 I got my first hunting rifle as did many others in our area of Ohio, MI and PA.

In those days I purchased a survival .22 [everything concealed into the stock] from a Sears sporting goods department for about $60.  A bargain considering what they sell for today.  No identification was required, cash and carry.

 Eventually, I purchased a semi-automatic carbine.  I’ve never caused anyone harm as a result of firearm ownership and to the best of my knowledge, neither have any of my uncles, cousins, grandfathers, or friends…most of which have been lifelong hunters.

What has changed since I graduated high school are the rise in broken homes, single-parent families on welfare, deteriorating schools, increasing numbers of children placed on psychotropic drugs, an increase of discipline problems in our schools, a decrease of parental involvement with the upbringing of their children or involvement with their school work, a tremendous increase in the disconnect of family as a result of electronic devices [too much time spent with cell phones, video games, tablets, - people are addicted to shiny objects and no longer communicate with each other face-to-face as much like at family dinners each evening for example.]

Gun control begins (and ends) at home.

As James Davenport recently pointed out in FEE, there are reasons why Congress doesn’t act on gun violence. (“The reality is,” says James Davenport, “Congress isn’t, and can’t be, responsible for anyone’s personal safety.”)

There’s growing sentiment (at least that’s what the media wants you to believe) that the (at least) 60,000,000 gun owners, in possession of over 300 million guns shouldn’t have some, or in the most extreme positions, all of them.

And, at the very least, they shouldn’t have those devious machines deemed “assault rifles.” (Of which, contrary to popular thought, the “AR” in “AR-15” does not stand for.)

But would a ban on AR-15’s quell shootings or terror attacks?

Would it, like a well-received rain dance, wash the violent impulses from the loonies and sprout rainbows from the pastures?


In reality, it’s a tiny, shriveled, used band-aid applied on an incredibly deep and complex gash (a band-aid which, no less, could cause drastic unintended consequences from its use).

It is, I propose, one of the least effective ways of quelling violence. 

Here are seven reasons why.

- Guns or violence? Is getting rid of guns wholesale the sole goal? If so, why?

Those sincere to the cause can find common ground with those they deem as “gun nuts.”

The incredibly vast majority of this country want the same things...

Namely, for the despicable, deranged acts of violence to go away. Most people want to live in peace.

(There are, of course, exceptions…)

But wishing violence away with a law (enacted by... wait for it... more violence) is one of the least effective ways to get it.

Seeking common ground with our fellow citizens is more effective.

- War on Poverty… War on Drugs… War on Terror…

It’s a strange phenomenon.

Whenever the federal government declares war on something, we tend to receive more of the very same thing.

A “War on Guns” would be, behind the smoke-screened doublespeak, a “War on Violence.”

How would you wage such a war on violence? With violence.

Soft power, making peace appealing and attractive in communities, rather than beating disobedient individuals into submission, is a more effective, and less disastrous, strategy. (But where’s the political clout in that?)

What you resist persists.

Wholesale bans empower the criminal class and enrich the black market.

Blanket bans in any form are almost always unfavorable to the most vulnerable.

Not only do all laws create criminals  (which is why they should never be applied lightly), they often have a way of emboldening and empowering the criminal class through perverse incentives. (AR-15s, for example, become a hot ticket item on the black market. Profit margins go significantly up.)

Incentives which weaken the honest and most vulnerable. 

As the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, author of the Tao Te Ching, sagely said: “The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer people become.”

- The right to self-defense is a negative right -- a right which doesn’t inherently, by its nature, infringe upon the rights of others.

Positive rights entail government taking action, infringing upon individual rights for the “greater good” of the collective.

Rarely is the “greater good” how such interventions turn out in the long run.

Power that is so absolute to have free reign to roll over the individual (the smallest minority) as it pleases is always in danger of being perverted.

“Shall not be infringed” leaves very little room for ambiguity.

- The right to self-defense.

Guns represent one’s right to defend one’s own self, one’s own spark of existence, one’s own life from unprovoked attack.

Historically speaking, they’ve helped to turn the tables on physically strong predators who wish to prey on the weak, meek and most vulnerable.

Like all technological innovations, they ushered in a new paradigm. Each paradigm has its own set of pros and cons.

Each paradigm is also a psychological construct.

To demolish this psychological paradigm for an illusion (yes, illusion) of safety, even just by chipping away at the idea of it, sets, as history shows, monumentally dangerous precedent.

It’s a step backward.

- Healthy homes and communities heal.

Mass shootings, defined as four or more deaths by one or a few hands, happen year-round.

The amount of press one will receive, unfortunately, depends on the zip code.

Local action and soft power is more effective and humane than pleading for more force.

For example, on a micro scale…

Adding beautiful green spaces or community centers to a downtrodden place (park, urban garden, etc.) has been shown time and again to reduce crime in that area. 

Getting children engaged in community activities (or, heck, allowing young kids to work) reduces the time they have for dwelling on untoward things, gives them a sense of responsibility for themselves and those around them.

Strengthening community ties allows for individuals to see more clearly who is a danger to the community and might need some form of intervention. (Nosy neighbors are good for some things.)

Although all of this might sound insignificant, it’s not. It’s the grassroot. It’s where the action happens.

It’s where the wild things live and grow.

Violence is always a situational issue and can never be painted with a broad brush.

We are individuals, each with our own individual needs. 

Abstracting the problem, then outsourcing the solution to the house on The Hill does little.

It makes us feel, erroneously, that such violence is something which can be fixed nationally with the flick of a switch.

It reinforces the idea that collective response is the only option.

That our energy should be funneled into changing the minds of the out-of-touch political class (who saunter around with armed bodyguards) rather than hacking at the root.

- Violence emerges from individuals. Individuals are responsible.

The Parkland shooter reportedly killed animals for pleasure, self-harmed, acted out violently, had the cops called on him over 30 times, threatened to shoot a school, had the FBI tipped off about him twice -- all clear signs of a compulsive and incredibly violent and dangerous individual.

He was essentially a Jeffrey Dahmer reincarnate. (They both had similar impulses and both killed 17 people, except Dahmer didn’t use guns.)

Where are the parents? The community? The people who deal with this person on a regular basis? (Dahmer’s parents were absentees, too wrapped up in their own lives to see what was happening.)

Historically, communities would’ve been much more likely than they are today to take action and intervene.

It was, for them, a matter of keeping everyone safe and the bonds strong in the “tribe.”

You are, after all, only as strong as the weakest link.


Half of parents recently surveyed said they are at least "somewhat concerned" that their child's mobile device usage is negatively affecting their mental health.

I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.”

What about you? Got anything interesting to share?

Bruce, the Poor Man, free thinker, social critic & cynic


 Final Notes…

Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.


Special Offer for our Readers

 72-hour Emergency Meal kit that's being offered contains 16 total servings of such delicious meals as Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, the always-loved Granny's Homestyle Potato Soup and the stick-to-your-ribs breakfast favorite Maple Grove Oatmeal.

This kit normally sells for $27, plus shipping and handling and is rated 4½ out of five stars by customers.

While supplies last, these kits are available for only $21.95 and that includes Priority Shipping [we were force to increase prices due to another round of USPS price hikes]. Go here for this deal:


Additional Resources


How to Survive the War on the Middle Class

14 of the best reports I’ve assembled on protecting your freedom-Download link.


Support our efforts by shopping my storefront…



A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production