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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Afghanistan exit debacle: Incompetence-Biden should be impeached!


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

The Afghanistan exit debacle: Incompetence, distraction-Biden should be impeached!

   The arse-in-charge just gave the Taliban a huge cache of weapons [which China will pick over] while risking thousands of lives due to his incompetence…the usual suspects [intel agencies, military and politicians] in the beltway are already pointing fingers at each other…would it surprise anyone if this was done purposely by China Joe?

My first instinct has been to ignore the circus surrounding Biden's apparent bungle of the troop exit from Afghanistan, primarily because I think it distracts from the much bigger danger of illegal COVID mandates and vaccine passport segregation that Biden and his handlers are trying to push forward right now.

That said, I have received numerous requests from readers to discuss the situation and I have found certain aspects of the pull-out rather suspicious.  The basic assumption here is that Biden is senile, and his handling of the exit is tainted with stupidity, but maybe there is more to this than meets the eye...

First, I think it's important to dispel a propaganda narrative being circulated by the media that conservatives are somehow calling for troops to stay in Afghanistan by criticizing Biden's exit strategy. This is typical leftist gaslighting. One can be in favor of a troop draw down and still be critical of Biden's handling of it. Frankly, the U.S. should have been out of Afghanistan several years ago.

It was Barack Obama who promised an exit from Afghanistan by 2014 while claiming that the "combat mission was over." This never happened, and the political left ignored Obama's broken promise. To be fair, the Trump administration did the same exact thing, promising a major draw-down or a full exit and then instituting troop surges instead, but at least conservatives were far more open about their criticism of his backpedaling. Trump finally committed to troop reductions in 2020, with most of the troops relocated after the November election, leaving 2,500 military personnel in Afghanistan along with 17,000 private contractors.

The real shock has been the speed of Biden's exit agenda after Trump had already removed the bulk of U.S. troops. This rapid draw down has also included cutting almost all U.S. troops and cutting private contractor numbers by at least 60 percent, and all of this has been undertaken in the last few months. This has allowed the Taliban to overrun the last secure provinces surrounding the capital of Kabul mostly unchecked. Panic has ensued among Afghani citizens with anti-Taliban sentiments, and it's hitting a fever pitch with hundreds of thousands looking for any way to escape.

It has been the common practice of multiple U.S. administrations to pay lip service to public concerns over the endless war in Afghanistan, telling people an exit is imminent, then shrugging their shoulders when they are caught lying. It has become so formulaic that I think the American people have become conditioned to expect that we would never actually leave the country; that the false promises would go on perpetually. Perhaps that's why Biden's rushed and haphazard removal of personnel from the region over the span of mere months feels so bizarre.

Biden apologists would make the argument that the gibbering commander in chief has given us exactly what we wanted, so we should be applauding him. However, the destructive manner in which Biden is executing the troop draw down is increasingly suspect. It feels more like a desperate retreat in the face of an overwhelming attack, rather than a controlled exit with a defensive plan in the face of a limited insurgency. Or, even more disturbing, it feels like Biden needs those troops and resources elsewhere and in a hurry — but where are the troops needed and why?

An exit strategy should have taken at least another year to complete, with a secure zone surrounding Kabul and the provinces bordering Pakistan, along with a plan to evacuate civilians at risk of reprisal from Islamic fundamentalists. A longer-term (and better) strategy would have been to divide a portion of provinces away from the harder-to-control regions of the country and form a new nation made up of people who do not want to live under Taliban rule (there are a lot of them). This would have been a more meaningful solution, but one that should have been pursued years ago. It's far too late now.

It needs to be understood that the U.S. was never going to "win" the war in Afghanistan, but we could have exited gracefully and with a defensive plan in place to protect the civilian population targeted by the Taliban. An orthodox military strategy is rarely going to succeed against an insurgency using asymmetric tactics. It does not matter how technologically advanced that military might be; it does not matter how many planes, tanks and drones they might have. Eventually, they will lose by pure attrition in the face of guerrilla resistance.

I also want to point out that it is not really the troop draw down that opened the door to the recent Taliban surge as much as the draw down of the 17,000 private contractors in the country. This was the major force that was keeping the Taliban at bay post-election.

And that brings us to current day, in which Afghans are piling onto the landing gear of planes leaving Air Force bases outside Kabul as the capital is overtaken by Taliban fighters in scenes reminiscent of the end of the Vietnam War. Multiple governments have not even had time to evacuate their embassies as the Taliban moved in. It just doesn't make sense. And here is where we need to examine some theories as to why this was handled the way it was...

I'm not buying the "Biden is incompetent" assumption. It's too simplistic and doesn't take the bigger picture into account. Biden is a muppet, a mascot, a frontman for the public to love or hate, and that's all he is. Yes, he can barely read from a teleprompter, but it's his puppeteers who make the big decisions, not Biden. They are evil people, but not incompetent.

So we have to ask some important questions: Why now? After decades of presidents lying to us about "mission accomplished" and troop exits, why is Biden suddenly committing to an exit in the most hysterical way possible?

Why did the Biden administration choose Sept. 11 as the end date for the troop exit? It's certainly symbolic of further U.S. failure and defeat, but is it also symbolic of a new phase in the establishment's plans for the U.S. as a whole? Is there another major event like 9/11 or larger on the way, and is the sudden exit from Afghanistan in preparation for that event?

I would note that the insanity in Afghanistan is quite a distraction away from the implementation of vaccine passports in the U.S., with an increasing number of corporations and city and state governments trying to enforce them. The DHS has just released a statement indicating that anyone who refuses to submit to COVID mandates and the experimental mRNA vaccines "might" be a potential terrorist. It's clear that everything those of us in the alternative media warned about over the past 18 months in terms of medical tyranny was correct, not "conspiracy theory" as the mainstream media and the government claimed.

The Biden administration will certainly try to announce vaccine passport requirements at the federal level in the near future. Is the plan to bring U.S. troops and maybe even private contractors home to the U.S. to help enforce illegal directives through martial law? There is a high probability of a soft secession of red states and counties if the mandate farce continues. With U.S. troops being majority conservative, there is the hope that they will not comply and that they have no interest in fighting an insurgency made up of their own people. We will have to wait and see.

Or is there another war on the way that is designed to siphon off able-bodied Americans to fight in some other foreign hell hole when they would otherwise be fighting for freedom in the U.S.? A build-up in the Pacific has been ongoing and while the Chinese CCP is indeed one of the most horrific regimes in existence today, we have to eliminate the communists and globalists within our own country first before we can worry about those ruling on the other side of the world.

A regional conflict with China or any other country at this stage would completely undermine the already fragile U.S. economy and the global supply chain, not to mention further devalue the U.S. dollar and increase price inflation to a crippling degree. It's something to consider.

What has me most concerned, again, is the speed at which all of this is being implemented. In my latest articles, I have outlined the fact that the government and the corporate establishment are bombarding the public with propaganda on the vaccine passports and COVID restrictions at a level not seen since the height of the pandemic in January. It is as if they must get these measures in place by the end of this year or the beginning of the next. By extension, the exit from Afghanistan also seems like a scramble, but maybe this is because the resources being used there will be needed elsewhere by the end of this year?

I can't predict what the exact event will be, but it seems obvious that the establishment is preparing for another crisis in the near term. The abrupt end of the occupation of Afghanistan is a warning sign of more pressing threats ahead.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith


As America’s longest war ends in failure under the auspices of the Biden Administration, China stands ready to pounce on this moment of weakness.

With the Taliban now in control of Afghanistan, the Islamic extremists sit on a pile of valuable rare earth minerals. Communist authorities in China see the writing on the wall, and area already negotiating a way to get a piece of the action.

Here’s the latest.

'The fall of Kabul should be the DOWNFALL of the Biden administration'

In the wake of the United States pulling troops out of Afghanistan, the progressive Left in the United States appeared more concerned about preferred pronouns and the Green New Deal than the reality of what had transpired in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital city. In this clip, BlazeTV's Chad Prather asserted what he believed the people of Kab ... Read more


Twitter drops conservatives [like me] while allowing the Taliban to continue posting…that’s upside down!

I posted a tweet regarding how the Taliban kills gays & got put into twitter jail for a week…

'The fall of Kabul should be the DOWNFALL of the Biden administration'


Polls show Joe Biden's approval plummeting after disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal


The Collapse Of Afghanistan Has Brought Us A Lot Closer To A Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan


Biden Team to Trapped Americans: You’re on Your Own to Get to the Airport



The Left’s Damage Control on Afghanistan Is as Disgusting as It Is Desperate




Imagine a scenario where cash has become worthless. It could be hyperinflation, where it takes a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. Or it could a devastating act of terrorism such as a bioweapon or an EMP that sets the country back 100 years. Whatever the cause, there could come a day when our money becomes useless.

And it won't necessarily be a nationwide disaster that causes this to happen. In a local disaster such as a powerful hurricane or earthquake, the power will be out which means the banks will be closed. And if they don't reopen, there won't be enough cash to go around.

In any of the above scenarios, people will be forced to barter with one another until power is restored or a suitable currency emerges. In case that ever happens, it's a good idea to have a wide assortment of barter items. That way if someone has something you need, you're more likely to already have something they need...

200 Items You Can Barter After The Collapse

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Dick said...

No doubt in our mid-Biden poses a huge danger to America [as do the socialists pulling his strings]. Lies, incompetence, bullcrap on our border, inflation, etc.-he needs to be dumped along with Harris, Pelosi, Schumer & the other bastards on the Left!

Ricky said...

Biden Using Millions of Taxpayer Dollars to Build Welcome Centers, Cover Lawyer Fees for Illegals

Biden Uses His Afghanistan Debacle to Import 22,000+ Refugees to Your Town

Sally said...

Billions in US weaponry seized by Taliban
Billions of dollars of U.S. weapons are now in the hands of the Taliban following the quick collapse of Afghan security forces that were trained to use the military equipment. Bisen created a huge threat to the world...I'm with you-IMPEACH this SOB!

Mark said...

'Gut-Wrenching' Uncertainty for Americans Stranded in Afghanistan-Biden is a traitor!

Nora said...

A few short months ago, basement Biden idiotically and inexplicably canceled a Trump-era program whose purpose was to help extract Americans from overseas in the event of a hostile takeover.

Pat said...

So much time [in office] so many crimes-screw an impeachment, just arrest this rat!

Tiberius said...

The Taliban and other terrorist organizations are primed to radicalize recruits amid a refugee crisis caused by President Joe Biden's withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Great Britain's defense secretary said.

Read more: Terror Groups Primed to Benefit From Afghan Refugee Crisis |

Lee said...

Biden is a Jack A$$ and all of you thinking doom and gloom stop. We have 2022 elections and if that fails well man up it is going to get nasty

Paula said...

“It’s not Joe Biden’s fault he can’t think clearly, it’s an indictment of the people around him.”
Tucker Carlson gets blunt. In the opening remarks on his show on Friday, Tucker says “Joe Biden is not capable of running the country, Joe Biden is Senile.”