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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August Will Be A Turning Point – Welcome To The Eviction Horror Show


Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources



August Will Be A Real Turning Point – Welcome To The Biggest Eviction Horror Show In U.S. History

It is the beginning of August, and a day of reckoning has finally arrived for renters all over the nation.  Since last September, a moratorium that was issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been protecting millions of renters that have been unable or unwilling to make their monthly rent payments.  But now that moratorium is officially over, and all of that back rent is due.  For some renters, that will mean that nearly a full year of rent will need to be paid.  The millions of Americans that cannot or will not pay what is owed can now be legally evicted.  This is a major national disaster that has been building up for many months, and now it is finally here.

Welcome to the biggest eviction horror show in American history.

It is going to be a doozy.

Some are still desperately hoping that members of Congress will do something once they return from their August vacations.  At this point, that does not appear likely.

So for now, there doesn’t appear to be any hope of averting the largest eviction tsunami that any of us have ever seen.

Of course it was inevitable that this day was going to come sooner or later.  After all, what else could we do?  Did anyone out there actually think that it would be possible to tell landlords that they could never collect rent ever again?

If we did that, there wouldn’t be any more landlords.

So many landlords out there are really hurting financially right now.  In fact, some of them have not been able to collect rent from certain tenants since the eviction moratorium was first put into place last September

Due to widespread job loss and the health risks of the Covid-19 pandemic, many renters in the US faced difficulty making their rent payments every month when the pandemic began in early 2020, and the federal government stepped in to prevent people from getting evicted in the midst of it. As part of this response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention instituted a moratorium in September 2020 that prevented landlords from evicting their tenants regardless of whether they could pay their monthly rent in full or at all.

Now the wait is over, and landlords have nearly a year’s worth of eviction notices to file.

During the early part of this week, landlords are going to be racing to take advantage of the opportunity that they suddenly have.  There is still a possibility that Congress could decide to do something in a few weeks, and so landlords will want to evict people as quickly as they can.

And we are talking about a massive number of people.  According to to USA Today, this eviction moratorium “was the only tool keeping millions of tenants in their homes”…

A federal freeze on most evictions enacted last year expired Saturday after President Joe Biden’s administration extended the original date by a month. The moratorium, put in place by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in September, was the only tool keeping millions of tenants in their homes. Many of them lost jobs during the coronavirus pandemic and had fallen months behind on their rent.

In this particular case, “millions” is not an exaggeration at all.

According to the Census Bureau, approximately 3.6 million Americans are potentially facing eviction within the next two months, and the Aspen Institute says that over 15 million Americans are currently behind in making rent payments…

More than 15 million people live in households that owe as much as $20 billion to their landlords, according to the Aspen Institute. As of July 5, roughly 3.6 million people in the U.S. said they faced eviction in the next two months, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey.

Others have come up with similar numbers.

On his website, Mike Shedlock shared numbers that he pulled from official U.S government data…

§ 7.43 million in rental properties are not current

§ 5.95 million owner occupied housing are not current

§ 8.71 million live in owner occupied homes where the homeowners have little or no confidence in ability to pay their mortgage

§ 12.71 million live in rental properties where the heads of household have little or no confidence in ability to pay their rent

This is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

And the fact that the deadline was pushed back several times just made the scale of the tragedy even larger.

In addition, we need to remember that enhanced federal unemployment benefits are ending in the majority of states in September.

A whole lot of people will soon be hit by a “double whammy”.  Their federal benefits are ending at the same time they are suddenly faced with a bill for all of their unpaid rent.

So what is this country going to look like when millions of impoverished Americans are suddenly thrown out into the streets?

Personally, I think that the stage has been set for civil unrest and riots.

Sadly, this is what can happen when we give people free rent for almost a year and then suddenly take it away.

Our system is simply not designed to handle a sudden disruption of this magnitude.  Public and private organizations will attempt to help those that are suffering, but they will be overwhelmed very rapidly.

Already, more than half a million Americans are homeless on any given night.

What will the number be after this unprecedented wave of evictions is over?

We are moving into deeply troubled times, and this wave of evictions has the potential to be a huge destabilizing force in our society.

Congress spent trillions and trillions of dollars to lift people out of poverty, but it didn’t work.

Day after day, our corporate media outlets will be filled with tragic stories about the people that are getting evicted, and we will be told how evil the landlords are for throwing them out.

But if landlords are not allowed to make money, there won’t be any rental properties at all.

Unless we just have the government own all of the rental properties, and that is called communism.

Ladies and gentlemen, August is going to be a real turning point, and the end of this moratorium is going to unleash a lot of chaos.

Unfortunately, I am expecting a whole lot more trouble to erupt as we steamroll toward the end of this calendar year.

***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***



If you’re wondering why corrupt, criminal governments of the world seem to be in such a hurry to mass "vaccinate" everybody with a deadly, experimental, non-approved gene therapy injection, one of the most shocking answers may be simpler than you think.

According to my interview guest, who has many contacts with high level U.S. Navy officers and scientists, a global extinction level event is approaching and the globalists are desperately trying to cull the human population before people figure out what’s about to happen.

See the full article and interview here.

By the summer of 1849, Karl Marx was still an obscure writer struggling to make an impact.

He had published The Communist Manifesto-- a short, 23-page pamphlet-- the previous year in 1848. But as yet it had failed to catch on.

Marx was operating a fledgling newspaper in Germany at the time. But he kept getting in trouble with the German tax authorities for failure to pay taxes.

(This taxation double-standard still exists today. Marxists LOVE high taxes… but only if they’re not the ones paying.)

That’s why Marx was forced to leave Germany (technically Prussia) in 1849-- after having also been previously expelled from France and Belgium too.

Marx infuriated the local authorities so much, in fact, that he was also denied Prussian citizenship. This made him officially stateless.

And in an ironic twist of fate, Marx ended up in Great Britain-- the wealthiest country in the world at the time, and the birthplace of modern capitalism.

The reason was simple: Britain had few barriers to entry for immigrants-- something that was quite rare in the 19th century.

Thousands upon thousands of refugees, exiles, and radicals immigrated to London as a result. Marx was among them.

Yet the fact that he had benefited from the laissez-faire policies of this free market society did not change Marx’s views on capitalism. He still hated the system and blamed it for everything that went wrong.

Marx and his family lived in abject poverty in their earliest years in London. He constantly had debt collectors knocking on his door, and landlords routinely evicted him from his home.

Of course, people don’t realize the real cause of Marx’s financial troubles was that he almost never had job. He thought it was degrading to work so that someone else could profit from your labor. So he simply refused to work.

Marx subjected his family to live in filthy, squalid conditions, and his children often went without food. In fact only three of his seven children even survived to adulthood.

Yet Marx still refused to work. And he continued to whine that capitalism was the source of his economic hardship; not once did Marx turn the lens onto his own fanaticism as the root cause of his poverty.

This is also ironic, because modern day socialist and communist parties love to praise workers and talk about giving benefits to the working class.

It’s just like taxation: Marxists love work… as long as they’re not the ones actually doing it.

Honestly the entire Marxist philosophy is complete hypocritical. And there are people today who call themselves Marxists (like the BLM co-founders, who are self-avowed Marxists).

Yet they probably don’t have the foggiest idea that their patron saint literally watched his children go hungry because he’d rather complain about capitalism than go get a job.

Socialists are the same way; even though (according to a recent Axios poll) 41% of Americans view socialism in a positive light, most of these people don’t actually understand the first thing about socialism.

When they say ‘socialism’ they think it means Sweden, free university, and six weeks of paid vacation. They have no idea how wrong they are.

One key difference that people fail to understand is that, while Marx despised capitalism, he never made it personal. He didn’t shame individual people for their success, or automatically assume that rich people were evil.

The only reason Marx was lifted out of poverty, in fact, was because a wealthy capitalist gave him money.

In our modern world, however, so-called socialists love to make it personal. They ridicule people on social media because of their success. Activist newspapers illegally leak confidential tax information in an effort to ‘name and shame’ wealthy people.

Even Marx didn’t stoop to that level.

This is the topic of our podcast today: Marxism, socialism, and communism… and why most people who claim to embrace these ideas don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

You can listen to it here or watch it here (on YouTube) or here (on



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Ira said...

Does anyone care about small landlords not getting income for 18 months? Many people got regular unemployment PLUS an extra weekly $300 from Biden...often this was MORE than they earned while working.

Rob said...

This perplexes me-the CDC announced IT is extending the moratorium on rent payments!? How do they have this authority? Things are upside down in the beltway; out of control.