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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Liberty groups need to take these steps to survive what’s coming



Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Liberty groups need to take these steps to survive what’s coming

There are tens of millions of conservative preppers and liberty-minded people in the U.S. today. The expansion of the liberty movement from when I began in 2006 to 2021 has been staggering, and it continues to give me reason for optimism. Fifteen years ago, most of the preparedness information and resources available today did not exist. Right now, a person can access teachers and online guides to every vital step they need to take to protect themselves and their families from crisis, and they can do it in seconds.

However, even with all this information at our fingertips and millions of fellow patriots to share it with, the Liberty Movement continues to suffer from a perpetual weakness. That weakness is a lack of effective organization.

To be fair, every effort has been made by the establishment to frighten conservatives away from organizing. The propaganda is endless. But this only shows us what they really fear, which is decentralized conservative communities working together. The fact remains that we need organization in order to fight back against the storm that is upon us.

Most readers are probably already aware, but time is running out for preparedness. Right now, right in front of our faces, everything the alternative media has warned about for a decade is happening. A stagflationary event is growing out of control and prices of goods and raw materials are rising across the board. Within a year I believe we will be facing at least 50 percent price increases in all necessities, if not more, and wages will not climb fast enough to keep up. For most households, this will be a disaster unless they have a plan in place.

Supply chains are once again struggling and the rumors I am hearing from business owners and freight experts is that by Christmas many retailers will be dealing with empty shelves and will be scrambling for product. Hopefully, these are just rumors, but I plan to be prepared anyway.

Finally, Biden's covid vax mandates are leading to either mass layoffs or mass walkouts by millions of people that refuse to comply. We are seeing this now with airline companies and it's about to get much worse. According to DoD estimates, around 25 percent of the military is refusing to get the vax, and losing this many personnel at one time could be debilitating to U.S. defense. This has to happen in order for conservatives to combat the authoritarian mandates, but we also must recognize that pain is going to be felt as the country divides into two distinct camps:

The people who want to control everyone else. The people that simply want to be free.

Turmoil and crisis are inevitable, but any crisis is manageable if you are prepared for it. Community organization is a key part of that. Many communities have taken steps toward organization already and these actions are commendable. What I want to talk about briefly though are some steps you can take to increase your effectiveness and thereby increase your security.

Something I have seen many times with liberty groups is a tendency to run regular meetings, which is good, but they never seem to take any steps beyond just talking about what they should do. And keep in mind that leadership can only do so much. They can make suggestions for action, but if the community doesn't run with those suggestions and make things happen then the situation will stagnate.

The worst-case scenario is that a disaster or threat appears and your community is caught without contingencies in place and everyone is isolated from everyone else. For example, what if there was a cyberattack on internet cloud providers or the electrical grid tomorrow? What if phones and email and social media are down? How would you communicate with each other and organize?

Would you be able to coordinate, or would each person be stuck at home not knowing how to connect with the others? And, if you are able to connect, do you have a plan to do this securely if you need to so that unwanted parties cannot interfere?

What if the supply chain completely breaks down and stores shut down for days or weeks at a time waiting for sparse shipments? Or, what if there is an attempt by a majority of big box stores in the area to enforce vax passports at the behest of the federal government? Do you have an alternative system in place to trade goods and services with each other? Do you have a barter market structure or a meeting place for trading? This could help greatly in getting items you might need even if the stores are closed, or you are battling COVID restrictions.

Overall, I predict that we have one year give or take a few months before we are facing extreme system breakdown or an aggressive attempt by Biden and his handlers to put boots on the ground to enforce the vax passports. Here are a few steps I suggest taking right now (if you have not already) to prepare for this:

1) Establish a regular comms network: Set up a day and time at least once a week for a dedicated preparedness comms net. Pick a main frequency and a backup frequency. Every person that has a ham license can participate in this, but you should pick at least two people in your group with ham radio experience to run it, and you should make these people your designated comms team. This team needs to follow through with the network project, and if they can't then they should step down and find a replacement.

People who don't have ham licenses should still buy a radio of their own and listen in on the net.

2) Set up comms contacts with other groups in other towns or counties: You might need an HF radio to do this, but there needs to be some kind of contact between groups that are spread across the state in order to share basic intel and just to let each other know that they are not alone.

3) Your radio team should have the ability to send encrypted messages: This can be done with ham radio, a ham modem and a laptop with the right software. I do recommend everyone download an open-source encryption program or a basic encryption software package for text in word documents and emails.

4) Next, you might want to pick a person who can organize a barter market effort: I know that some people prefer to keep their trading discreet, but there needs to be some kind of system in place so that two people can meet up to exchange goods. I suggest a bulletin board that is brought to your meetings that people can post cards to. They can write the items they have to trade or the items they are looking for along with a secure email if they want to remain anonymous. You can also just have a regular barter day. If the internet is down, you would need a physical place to set up secure trading.

5) Finally, I suggest a monthly range day for able-bodied members: This should be mainly for practicing team movement and team tactics or sharing more complex training that is harder to learn at home. Anyone can do basic marksmanship on their own time, but team tactics require the help of others and it's important to get to know the people around you.

I also suggest that training days be managed by a different person each time. This helps prevent people with a little too much ambition from taking too much ownership of the training and it allows each member to share their knowledge.

In the event of a crisis, a command structure for security can be formed, and this will be easier to do because the group will know each other’s abilities. In the American Revolution, militiamen often reserved the right to vote on and pick their officers. I think this is a solid way for modern security groups to establish structure. Security leadership should be kept separate from community leadership. But both should be working together toward the same goals.

I often hear the argument that this level of organization is too difficult and there are just not enough people to accomplish much. But look at it this way... each person at a liberty meeting likely represents a half dozen to a dozen people that don't regularly attend. Each person has friends, family and neighbors that are on the same page as you in terms of principles and ideals. And, even if they are not on the same page, many of them will be as the national situation becomes more and more unstable. As crisis grows, people you know will be coming to you for answers on what to do.

The group efforts you pursue today can act as a kind of skeleton or building frame that others can connect to. If there is no frame, there can be no building when disaster strikes. You need to act as that frame and be ready to lead when the time comes.

If you can do this and enact the steps I've listed, you will have the ability to protect each other, to protect your neighborhood, town and perhaps even your state and beyond. All movements to freedom start in small ways until they become an avalanche. It all starts with those of you reading this article right now and the actions you take from this day forward.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith



One of the key characteristics of totalitarian regimes is the incessant effort to conceal the failures of their disastrous policies. As inflation grips the nation, they pretend there's no real inflation at all. As the supply chain collapses, they mock those who complain and tell you to "lower your expectations.

13 Things That Are About to Get More Expensive

Get ready to shell out even more for some of your go-to items, thanks to shipping wars, labor issues, and climate change. [The real reason=incompetent Joe Biden]

Prepare to witness widespread food scarcity and famine this winter

The result is already "baked in" and can't be stopped: Rising food inflation is colliding with a collapsing supply chain to cause widespread food scarcity / famine this winter, all across the USA, Europe and other nations.

Today we bring you several important stories about inflation and institutional breakdowns. It's not just the food supply; it's also the collapsing police forces, first responders and spare parts for everything (including vehicles, tractors, manufacturing equipment, etc.).

See the stories below for more details, and also check out my weekend podcast about the food crisis here.


There’s a lot of “romance” surrounding the idea of the lone wolf prepper. We’ve all seen “reality TV shows” where some survivalist is pitting themselves against nature, supposedly on their own, while the cameras watch and record. Going back before such programs exist, we have the legacy of Grizzly Adams to foster this same idea. Pitting ourselves alone against nature seems to be the ultimate test for the survivalist, allowing us to prove that nature has nothing tougher than us. 

There’s just one thing… attempting such a thing might make for great television, especially when there are emergency personnel standing by; but it’s also a great way to get yourself killed. There are just too many things that need to be done in order to survive, especially for any prolonged period of time. There are also too many things that can happen, such as an injury, which will drop our chances of survival to right around zero. 

Besides the amount of work required to survive, there’s the issue of self-defense. You can be sure that there will be those who gang together in order to take advantage of whomever they can, stealing supplies and killing the innocent. While you may be able to defend yourself against two or three assailants, there’s no way that any of us can defend ourselves against a gang. The press of sheer numbers and superior firepower will ultimately give them the victory; maybe not the first time, but eventually...

How To Build A Disaster Survival Team

I once shared an article on Facebook about the potential for an economic collapse in the near future, and someone left a comment saying, “Why do I keep hearing this warning over and over and over for years, and yet nothing ever happens?” Good question. When people keep saying that the sky is falling and it never does, it’s hard not to be skeptical.

As I said in my response to him, “After the stock market crash in 2008, everyone started claiming an economic collapse was about to happen, but what they didn’t realize is that it DID happen… in 2008. Since then, the economy has slowly been recovering. But the systemic problems that led to the crash were never corrected, and the bubble has been re-inflating. It can’t re-inflate forever.”

Just like in the years leading up to the Great Recession, people have too much debt and not enough wealth. Meanwhile, the stock market has soared to new heights, as it always does before it comes crashing down. ..

13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses

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How to Survive the War on the Middle Class

…Includes the original book by Libertarian Harry Brown’s ‘Live Free in an Unfree World.’ We had the honor of meeting him at a political function in MI before he passed away…PLUS a guide to surviving inflation!

 Download at:!AgMpmQI6plfXiE2M3af5iSABRbKo?e=9eKaUr

Inflation Report:!AgMpmQI6plfXh1RsZVn1Sl-qx_kO



Living on a Tight Budget Simply and Successfully (+ Tips)

Are you struggling to get by while living on a tight budget? Here's a system that can help you make ends meet when there's usually more month than money.

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 TRS volt power bank  - Back in stock!

3000mAh Power Bank Battery by Volt comes complete with a micro USB charging cord. This battery can be used as an extra or replacement battery


I’ve purchased a couple of power banks to add to my bug out bags. Do they lose power over time? How often should I check or recharge them?


-From Chris D.


Answer: A quality power bank can hold a charge for up to 6 months.


The thing is, most power banks will slowly lose charge over time depending on the temperature the power bank is stored at.


In addition, lithium-ion, and lithium-polymer batteries used in power banks eventually lose their capacity (typically between 200 up to 1000 cycles depending on the battery cell quality.)


The bigger the battery is, the less cycles you will need to charge it and the longer it will last. But, I would check them every 6 months if I were you.


Inflation to Rise Faster Than Previously Projected: OECD

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Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom!


Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.

You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead

Not Prepared? 

That's Bad News...


You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…Small radios, books, emergency power cell or solar/battery radio weather radio!


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A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Biden the buffoon is trying to crush America; Impeach him now!



Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Biden's imperial presidency is rising up to crush us under its boot

Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. wrote The Imperial Presidency in 1973 to call to attention President Richard Nixon’s vast abuses of executive authority to circumvent constitutional limitations of the office.

Democrats have since described a number of Republican presidents, including Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as being imperial presidents. But as Joe Biden continues to push the limits of presidential power over COVID mandates, gun grabs, bank account reporting and eviction moratoriums, those who have traditionally rallied against the onset of presidential imperialism are noticeably silent.

Having just shed the shackles of monarchy, the Founding Fathers were loath to establish a government with an all-powerful chief executive. To prevent it, they created a government divided into three equal branches. Their idea was that each branch would check the other in order to limit the government’s growth.

In a 2004 re-issue of The Imperial Presidency, Schlesinger added more recent abuses of presidential power, including the vast expansion of power laid out in the Patriot Act and Bush’s unconstitutional wars. Schlesinger died in 2007 before the onset of the Obama administration and now, Obama 2.0. But even though Schlesinger was a lifelong Democrat, most historians would probably argue that the Biden presidency neatly fits into his definition of the imperial president as did Obama before him.

But the anti-Federalist Cato, thought to be New York Governor George Clinton, warned in Letter V to the citizens of New York that the compact under consideration did not provide strong enough checks and balances. He wrote:

“Before the existence of express political compacts it was reasonably implied that the magistrate should govern with wisdom and Justice, but mere implication was too feeble to restrain the unbridled ambition of a bad man, or afford security against negligence, cruelty, or any other defect of mind.

“It is alledged that the opinions and manners of the people of America, are capable to resist and prevent an extension of prerogative or oppression; but you must recollect that opinion and manners are mutable, and may not always be a permanent obstruction against the encroachments of government; that the progress of a commercial society begets luxury, the parent of inequality, the foe to virtue, and the enemy to restraint; and that ambition and voluptuousness aided by flattery, will teach magistrates, where limits are not explicitly fixed to have separate and distinct interests from the people, besides it will not be denied that government assimilates the manners and opinions of the community to it.

“Therefore, a general presumption that rulers will govern well is not a sufficient security. You are then under a sacred obligation to provide for the safety of your posterity, and would you now basely desert their interests, when by a small share of prudence you may transmit to them a beautiful political patrimony, that will prevent the necessity of their travelling through seas of blood to obtain that, which your wisdom might have secured: It is a duty you owe likewise to your own reputation, for you have a great name to lose; you are characterised as cautious, prudent and jealous in politics; whence is it therefore, that you are about to precipitate yourselves into a sea of uncertainty, and adopt a system so vague, and which has discarded so many of your valuable rights.

“Is it because you do not believe that an American can be a tyrant? If this be the case you rest on a weak basis; Americans are like other men in similar situations, when the manners and opinions of the community are changed by the causes I mentioned before, and your political compact inexplicit, your posterity will find that great power connected with ambition, luxury, and flattery, will as readily produce a Caesar, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian in America, as the same causes did in the Roman empire.

Sadly, it turns out he was correct. Congress has abdicated its responsibility, the Federal judiciary has become the oligarchy Thomas Jefferson warned about, and the result is we now have an imperial presidency.

Lincoln's legacy

The imperial presidency has its roots in 1861 and Abraham Lincoln, who had no regard for the Constitution and the rule of law.

The Southern States had every right to secede under the Constitution. In his inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson said, “If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.”

As Judge Andrew P. Napolitano states in his book The Constitution in Exile, in a later speech Jefferson, discussing the possibility of States seceding, said, “God bless them both and keep them in the union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better.”

“Lincoln’s act of sending troops to Virginia triggered the armed conflict that became the Civil War,” Napolitano writes. “He did so under the premise that war was necessary to preserve the union. But the truth is that Lincoln had several other options to exhaust before resorting to warfare — and that’s only after we observe that the Southern states had the right to secede from the Union if they wished to do so.”

Checks and balances?

The three branches, envisioned by the Founders as a set of checks against one another, became partners in crime. They consolidated their power over those they governed and set about entrenching themselves and enriching themselves, their political parties and their cronies.

Following the events of 9/11, Congress granted President George W. Bush sweeping powers to make war on terrorists and imprison Americans without trial. Like Lincoln, Bush suspended habeas corpus. Biden wrote and Congress passed the liberty-crushing USA Patriot Act that gave law enforcement agencies broad powers to eavesdrop, search and surveil Americans.

Sadly, not only does Congress not care, it is working posthaste to make it easier for the president to avoid Congress altogether. Recall that years ago, the Senator supposedly fighting the Democrats on the debt ceiling, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), himself floated the harebrained notion to give the president the authority to raise the debt ceiling on his own.

So it’s not enough that the president just ignores Congress, Congress has decided it wants to give the president carte blanche to ignore it even further.

Meanwhile, Biden morphs into more of a Third World-style dictator every day. Recognizing that the Federal government was abdicating its responsibility to control the border (do illegal immigrants need COVID jabs as they are allowed to flood into the country?) and guarantee every State a republican form of government, States have passed sovereignty laws on issues from medical marijuana to funding abortions to intrastate ammunition and gun sales — oops, there’s the fallout from the first tyrant president’s actions — to freedom-stealing COVID laws. All of these have faced cutoffs of funding, lawsuits and intimidation at the hands of the Mafia-style Federal government.

Ignoring the rule of law, Biden and his cronies lie with impunity, disregard the Constitution, ignore the laws he doesn’t agree with, do what he wishes, and is trying to further centralize a government that was created to be decidedly decentralized.

And Congress? Save for a few lone voices they stand by and pledge fealty to the imperial presidency.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®



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› This is scary...

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Unfortunately, much of the misinformation about preppers has its roots in TV shows and articles that deal in extreme examples or even complete fabrication of who preppers are and what they do. "Doomsday Preppers," a so-called "reality" series that aired on the National Geographic Channel from 2011 to 2014, is a prime example. And the show keeps gaining new misinformed audiences with its ongoing availability on streaming services.     

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How to Survive the War on the Middle Class

…Includes the original book by Libertarian Harry Brown’s ‘Live Free in an Unfree World.’ We had the honor of meeting him at a political function in MI before he passed away…PLUS a guide to surviving inflation!

 Download at:!AgMpmQI6plfXiE2M3af5iSABRbKo?e=9eKaUr

Inflation Report:!AgMpmQI6plfXh1RsZVn1Sl-qx_kO





4 FREE Digital Reports:

  • The Water Survival Guide [Download]
  • The Survival Garden Guide [Download]
  • Top 10 Items Sold Out After A Crisis - [Download]
  • How to Cut Your Grocery Bills in Half [Download]






TRS volt power bank  - Back in stock!

3000mAh Power Bank Battery by Volt comes complete with a micro USB charging cord. This battery can be used as an extra or replacement battery


I’ve purchased a couple of power banks to add to my bug out bags. Do they lose power over time? How often should I check or recharge them?


-From Chris D.


Answer: A quality power bank can hold a charge for up to 6 months.


The thing is, most power banks will slowly lose charge over time depending on the temperature the power bank is stored at.


In addition, lithium-ion, and lithium-polymer batteries used in power banks eventually lose their capacity (typically between 200 up to 1000 cycles depending on the battery cell quality.)


The bigger the battery is, the less cycles you will need to charge it and the longer it will last. But, I would check them every 6 months if I were you.


Inflation to Rise Faster Than Previously Projected: OECD

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Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom!


Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.

You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead

Not Prepared? 

That's Bad News...



You Can’t Buy Life Insurance After You’re Dead-Prepare NOW for Emergencies…Small radios, books, emergency power cell or solar/battery radio weather radio!


Support our efforts by shopping my storefront…




A Smoking Frog Feature, Shallow Planet Production