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Friday, May 25, 2018

Extensive Emergency Survival Kit-VFW Fundraiser-Bonus Silver Round Ounce

Extensive Natural Disaster Emergency Survival Kit-VFW Fundraiser




  I posted this a couple of weeks ago and the response has been lukewarm thus far.  Today I am adding an unannounced BONUS -- I will include a One Ounce solid silver troy ounce "American Prospector" silver round from 1986 to the deal.  I am not advertising this on either our eBay or Bonanza listing...only to our readers here.
If the package does not sell, we're pulling the listing/package on Sunday evening and we'll either donate it to a local VFW post for them to raffle it off or we'll use a local auction firm to sell it next month.  Either way, WE WILL help the VFW!