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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human history, in one chart

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


Human history, in one chart

Almost all the gains in human well-being in history happened since the Industrial Revolution.

Luke Muehlhauser is a researcher who studies risks to human civilization. Last year, he embarked on an amateur macrohistory project: collecting all the data we have available for six different metrics of human well-being, and graphing those metrics to get a picture of how the world has changed over time.

The six metrics he charted were life expectancy; GDP per capita; the percentage of the population living in extreme poverty; “war-making capacity,” a measure of technological advancement for which we have the most historical data; “energy capture,” which reflects access to food, livestock, firewood, and, in the modern day, electricity; and the percentage of people living in a democracy. Obviously, we don’t have a precise measure of many of these things for most of history — but we have enough to get a strong sense of some trends.

He plotted those measures across the entire sweep of human history. The resulting graph is startling:

The graph starts in 1000 BC and goes to the present day. It’s flat for most of human history. The Industrial Revolution is generally agreed to have begun in the late 1700s or first half of the 1800s, and that’s also when most of these markers of human well-being started to change.

Economic historian Joel Mokyr has called the 19th and 20th centuries “the most transformative centuries in all of human history.” From this chart, it’s easy to see why. Over almost all of human history, each of these metrics of well-being was completely flat. The same share of people lived in a democratic society — approximately none. Life expectancy at birth is believed by historians to have hovered in the range of 25 to 30 years (though this is mostly due to child deaths, not deaths in early adulthood). Almost the entire world lived in extreme poverty.

The most significant events of history had — when we zoom out and take a look at the big picture — only a small impact on overall well-being. The Black Death killed 10 percent of everyone alive and still barely moved these numbers. The fall of the Roman Empire did affect some measures of well-being, but on a scale that is barely visible on this graph.

In short, for most of history, all human events — the rise and fall of empires, the spread of plagues, the spread and schisms of religions, the invention of wheels and aqueducts and the printing press — barely affected the typical person’s life span, political freedom, economic productivity, or wealth.

And then, with the Industrial Revolution, all those things changed at once. Within 200 years, the human experience looked very different.

What made the Industrial Revolution different?

The Industrial Revolution refers to the transition, beginning in Britain and spreading around the world in the 19th century, to new — often factory-based — manufacturing processes. This transition affected almost every industry, from textiles and ironworking to transportation and agriculture. People were profoundly affected as well.

“Until about 1800,” Mokyr told the Washington Post, “the vast bulk of people on this planet were poor. And when I say poor, I mean they were on the brink of physical starvation for most of their lives. Life expectancy in 1750 was around 38 at most, and much lower in some places. The notion that today we would live for 80 years, and spend much of those in leisure, is totally unexpected. The lower middle class in Western and Asian industrialized societies today has a higher living standard than the pope and the emperors of a few centuries back, in every dimension.”

That sudden, drastic rise in standards of living is what the chart reflects.

Historians disagree on many details of this story — for example, on when the Industrial Revolution can be said to have begun, and on when it started producing real gains in standards of living for the average person. But historians broadly agree that extraordinary gains were associated with the Industrial Revolution.

The most striking lessons from this chart

I reached out to Muehlhauser to ask him about the biggest takeaways from this chart and from this view of human progress.

He emphasized how many metrics are missing from this picture, because we don’t have good data on them going back for centuries. He also emphasized that on its own, a chart doesn’t demonstrate causation — we’d need to look at the timing of industrialization by region, and the timing of changes in well-being, to draw any conclusions there.

Nonetheless, there are things we can learn just from this. We often think about history as a gradual arc of progress, with setbacks such as wars and famines and gains such as new ideas and technologies. Muehlhauser’s chart suggests a remarkable lack of correlation between those forms of progress and gains in human well-being.

While there was absolutely important technological and political progress occurring over centuries — new forms of government, new forms of warfare, new understandings of the world — global average well-being barely budged. The fluctuations associated with nearly all historical events are dwarfed by the changes associated with just one event: the Industrial Revolution.

One of the most striking things about the chart is how little most historical events affected it. The 1918 flu epidemic killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million people. It shows up on the chart, but as a brief blip in a general upward trajectory. World War II surpassed that death toll, killing more than 60 million people; it’s not even visible on the graph. Even though our capacity to slaughter each other has been growing — and the 20th century was rife with such atrocities — the overall trajectory has been that things keep getting better.

If you took a look at these numbers in 1800, you might have concluded that it’s impossible to really change anything about the human experience. Every change up to that point had not affected life span, not really affected political freedom, and not affected wealth or personal capacity to affect the world. It’d be easy to just conclude that the human condition was immutable.

That would have been a mistake, though. In ways that were hard to predict, things were about to change.

Yours in Freedom,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’



There are few coincidences in national politics so when establishment propagandists from "both sides" of the political spectrum agree on something then you can expect that something nefarious is afoot.

It happened in November when Republican establishment Neocon writer Jonah Goldberg wrote a piece calling for an end to political primaries. This was followed with the December edition of The Atlantic publishing a column advocating for the same.

Their condescending arguments were mirrors of each other: The political primary system has become too unpredictable to continue because giving the people a choice means we end up with candidates who are aren't our approved people.

They don't want to go back to having candidates chosen in smoke-filled rooms, they say. But on the other hand, they do.

Not everything in politics has to be democratic, Goldberg writes. Never mind that America is not a democracy.


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 Recent Observations...

Had 3 customers in my office this afternoon; A retiree, a teacher & a UAW worker-all of them said they’d never vote Democrat again; they’re destroying our country w/ their socialist-communist crap.

Do folks feel that skin color denotes the qualifications of that person? Most have now realized that the progressive’s push for identity politics is driving people apart & creating division.

Today I find progressive have created promoted cultural insanity which has been done to alienate people.

I did note an observation Trump made in New Orleans…if he had been opposed to the building a border wall, Dems would have been all over him w/ demands that a wall be built.

When I was teaching college courses in marketing/economics, there were few conservatives in the faculty; roughly 60% of the sociology professors were socialists and viewed conservatives as deviants despite the majority of folks in this nation are conservative.

Our nation’s two biggest threats are Communist China and our own internal Communists [aka: the socialist-democratic party & their co-conspirators in the media, universities, Hollywood, etc.].

 Imagine a scenario where cash has become worthless. It could be hyperinflation, where it takes a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. Or it could a devastating act of terrorism such as a bioweapon or an EMP that sets the country back 100 years. Whatever the cause, there could come a day when our money becomes useless.

 And it won't necessarily be a nationwide disaster that causes this to happen. In a local disaster such as a powerful hurricane or earthquake, the power will be out which means the banks will be closed. And if they don't reopen, there won't be enough cash to go around.

In any of the above scenarios, people will be forced to barter with one another until power is restored or a suitable currency emerges. In case that ever happens, it's a good idea to have a wide assortment of barter items. That way if someone has something you need, you're more likely to already have something they need...

Poll: Majority expect Trump to win in 2020



The president’s reelection prospects appear to be a motivating factor for potential voter turnout.


A Final Note…

Contributors and subscribers enable the Poor Man Survivor to post 150+ free essays annually. It is for this reason they are Heroes and Heroines of New Media. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales & ecommerce alone.


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Lindsey said...

Bit of an odd topic but thought provoking [I can see why you were a professor]. It's always been obvious, however, at least to me, that capitalism improved the lives of people while socialism has always ruined lives in the end...why else would communist China & Russia have adopted & benefited from so many tools of capitalism?

Mike said...

I enjoy your postings & liked your observations today!

Sally said...

a good read-enjoyed your're very politically astute & tied into current events.