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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Learn the art of community bartering

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources


We’re barreling head first into a “recession” AND possibly major inflation.

In response to the collapse of our economy, the Federal Reserve has just printed off an UNGODLY amount of cash.

Simply put, they’re throwing everything they’ve got at the economic damage caused by the pandemic.

And it could very well mean that the CURE will be worse than the DISEASE.

Only time will tell.  In the meantime, refresh yourself on the fine art of bartering.

Bartering is a means of swapping goods and services without using money. It’s an old-fashioned way to save money and make use of your skills and assets, especially in times of recession and depression. In uncertain times, people can still get what they need, even without cash.

 You might want to swap babysitting with a friend, or trade your extra garden veggies for someone else’s free-range eggs. Or maybe you need help with a house project, but you can offer to repair someone else’s car in exchange.

 These are all things or services you can barter or swap. But you don’t have to stop with just your best friends or neighbors. Here are 40 sites and apps that allow you to barter and trade instead of spending money...

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If you’re looking to cut your expenses or get out of debt, you don’t need to pay a pricy company to help you manage your finances – you need to figure out how to spend less money.

And no, the solution isn’t to eat only Ramen noodles and walk around holding candles afraid to turn on the lights.

But with a few simple changes to your spending habits, you can easily stop the bleeding and save hundreds if not thousands of dollars each year – and it’s even easier than you think.



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The first people to discover the use of tree bark for food and medicine were Native Americans. The name “Adirondack”, which defined the Algonquin Indians, stands for “tree-bark eaters.” It was a derogatory name given to them by their bitter rivals, the Iroquois.

 Early pioneers learned these skills from Native Americans, and today many people still look to tree bark for medicinal applications. Some cultures still consume tree bark as an occasional part of their diet.

 In fact, the Scandinavians have been using an inner Phloem layer of bark to make flour out of pines and birch trees for centuries. It was typically added to other flours derived from grains or was used to thicken soups or stews...

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NEW! Home Circuit Power Saving Device-Save 30—90% on Your Electric Bill.

Home Circuits Power Saving Device-Environment Friendly!

…as advertised in Reader’s Digest

Power Electricity Energy Savings Device- 30% or more Savings 90V-250V 50Hz-60Hz

Easy-to-use---No Maintenance Provides or a more stable environment for your household electrical grid…invented in Germany


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Tom said...

I bartered a lot as a kid & even w/ my business as an adult via a local barter exchange that had ties to barter groups in other cities which allowed me to extend our reach & obtain ads w/out the use of cash.

Lee said...

Bartering will never go out of style.