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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Secret Tips You've Shared

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…

ISSN 2161-5543


Life isn’t waiting for the storm to pass; it is about learning to dance in the rain! >>Unknown


Secrets you have shared with me…Tidbits of useful things!


     As was recently reported, the middle class of Canada is doing better than the residents of our country.  With that in mind many of you are saving money in some imaginative ways and thanks for sharing your tips with us. 


Each person that shared a tip with us this month gets a free copy of our new book How to Survive the War on the Middle Class and a packet of survival seeds!  You won’t win if you don’t enter!


8 Rules For Preparing On A Budget »
The greatest way to prepare for disaster with limited resources is to make the best decisions with your money and ultimately explore methods to obtain goods and services without having to spend moneyMore »

My Friend's Garden

I am slowly learning how to garden, but I don't want to spend a lot while I am still learning to care for plants. Whenever I am visiting with someone who has plants I admire, I ask them how they care for it and ask for a cutting. People are touched that you want to include them in your home this way and glad to help you share their passion for plants.>L.


Keeping Bugs at Bay

Here’s a low-cost, chemical-free way to stop mosquitoes from ruining your outdoor day. Make your own bug spray by combining 1 cup of water, 1 cup of witch hazel and 20 drops of lavender, tea tree oil or eucalyptus (alone or in combination) into a spray bottle, seal, swish and combine.  [NOTE: coming soon we’ll feature information and resources on essential oils based on interviews I’ve done with two of our new subscribers.]

Deter Pests with leftover cola.  Fill a few  jar lids with the cola and place strategically around the plants.  Bugs are attracted to the sweetness and will crawl inside where they’ll be trapped.  Another idea I used to get rid of houseflies on my back porch (I always left the light on) was to wire an aluminum pie pan filled with soapy water to from the light fixture.  Worked like a charm to drown the little buggers!

Note:  Cola can also be used to clean chrome on your car or to tenderize a tough cut of meat – just pour a can over the meat and let it sit for an hour or more!


Recipes for homemade toiletries
read more here


Weed Killer

Here's a spot weed killer. Mix 1 part dish soap, 2 parts vinegar, and 2 parts water. The dish soap makes the vinegar stick to the weed longer. And the vinegar burns the weed.

My Neighbors Mulch My Garden
Many gardeners may not have considered the free or extremely cheap sources of mulch available in both town and country. Many of these materials can also be used in making compost, which in turn can be used as an enriching mulch.


How to get rid of snakes…The USDA parachuted 2,000 dead mice loaded with acetaminophen into Guam to kill snakes which are poisoned by the pain reliever.

The Beginner's Guide to Co-Op Buying
You may have assumed that co-ops were exclusively for buying affordable organic food, but think again. Most of the non-food items and even services that your family consumes, such as electricity or clothing or day care, can be purchased through co-op buying!

Cheap 'Air Conditioning’

I recently found a way to make a homemade air conditioner! Using a styrofoam cooler ($1 at a dollar store), we made three small holes the size of a toilet paper tube in one side. Then we stuck those tubes in the holes. Last we cut a circle in the lid and put a small fan on top that was facing down. Inside the cooler, we placed blocks of ice. The cold air lasted several hours! Once the ice melts, you can re-use it by freezing it again. My husband who gets hotter than me was even comfortable with just the fan.

There are more elaborate homemade air conditioners out there, including videos on how to make them. Just Google "homemade air conditioner."
Julie S.


Natural Deodorant

I read that vinegar works well for underarm odor. It changes the pH of the skin, so bacteria that cause the odor are not able to grow. Since I like natural products, I decided to give it a try.

After my morning shower, I soaked a plain cotton ball in vinegar and ran it under my armpits. I still perspired, but there was no odor. I'm really happy to get rid of one more set of unpronounceable chemicals from my bathroom.



EVERYONE who submitted a tip this week received a copy of my new book…

This week’s prize: a copy of my new book…How to Survive the War on the Middle Class

We’ll post the tip and the winner gets a prize!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to submit your tip…


Yours in freedom,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’


Got a News Tip or Resource to Share With the Poor Man?

A Shallow Planet Production

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