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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Prospering in Uncertain Times

Poor Man Survival

Self Reliance tools for independent minded people…



ISSN 2161-5543

A Digest of Urban Survival Resources

"Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders."
-Sloan Wilson

 Most of the new jobs created today do not offer a middle class income or benefits [those remain primarily in government jobs].  You'll find many ways to supplement your income here and be sure to download the full report and share with your friends...

You can make money without leaving your home…

   Despite Yahoo’s recent decision to stop its workforce from working from home, many firms have discovered the advantages of allowing staff to work from home full or part time.  If more companies would wake up, we might solve the problem many face on overcrowded highways and long commute times.


In fact, many medical researchers have concluded long commutes can take years off your life span!


I’ve worked from home for several years.  My wife and I developed multiple profit centers and sources of income, many of which change with the times or needs of clients or ourselves. 


Some of our circles of income have included writing, eBay, estate liquidation, appraisal services for insurance firms, the IRS, Bankruptcy Courts and police agencies, business phone answering services and more.


Start Your Search Using the Insiders


Throughout the past few years I have subscribed to several fine resources specializing in at-home opportunities.  As the economy nose dived and the need for extra income increased (sad to report we’ve lost 10% of our middle class in the past 10 years) I’ve found these sites useful:    (a personal favorite)


The Great Big Checklist of Everything

Starting a business? Worried you might have missed something?

There are countless things you must do to establish and grow your business, and even the savviest new business owners are bound to miss a few important steps. Not anymore.

This checklist is the most comprehensive collection of both mandatory and recommended tasks for starting a business, and it has gone viral on social media as the “ultimate entrepreneur's checklist.”

Check off each step as you go, and browse through suggestions of useful resources and discounted services to help you get started.

Read the checklist now >>


A few quick idea-starters for making extra money…


>>Customer Service

This is a growth area for those who want work from home.  A good phone voice and attention to detail are useful traits to have…start your search with these resources:


 >>Be a Website Critic

Website evaluators provide candid feedback of their gut reactions as they visit sites.  Here are a few resources to get you started.


>>Teach Without a Degree

This is something I did for years in the Cleveland, OH area and I made as much as $50,000 annually offering seminars and related materials through Adult and Continuing Ed programs at area colleges and high schools.  Now, with the internet, it’s even easier through such sites as or where you get paid to have conversations in English with students from around the globe.

Grab the full report here:

When Ben Franklin died in 1790, he left $5,000 each to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia. Each city was to create a fund that would last for 200 years. The needy could borrow from the fund at five percent interest. After 100 years, each city could withdraw $500,000 from the fund, leaving the rest to work for the next 100 years. Why did Ben do it? He did it to help people understand the importance of compound interest.

Grocery Savings
When you first sit down to do your budget, it can be a bit of a challenge to cut back and "balance" your budget once you get rid of some of the obvious expenses you can live without. Looking at your grocery budget is a great next step. There are a lot of small things you can start doing right away to spend less on food. And let's face it that a fairly decent amount of money is spent each month on groceries. Read more.


The Ultimate, No BS, Start Your Own Successful At-Home Sideline Business

Four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and a vanishing American Dream.


How to Get Out of Debt & Prosper


Grab our Useful Library of How-to Reports to Reboot Your Income


67 Real Companies That Hire

The Company Promo Report

How to Survive a Job Loss

Urban Survivor-45 Ways to Make a Living - Without a Job

Escape the Rat Race

How to Prosper – 3-Volume Set

Recession Recovery System

Debt Beater System

Develop Your Financial IQ


Plus many more – 67 in all!  Format=DVD  $10.95 ppd.  Beats being broke!

Go to our main page and scroll down a bit:


 Yours in freedom,

Bruce ‘the Poor Man’


Got a News Tip or Resource to Share With the Poor Man?


A Shallow Planet Production

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